> "ef þér Sigfússynir skuluð ræna þá."
> "if you sons of Sigfus should steal them
"rob them" (see my comments ). 'þá' "them" = the victims. 'ræna'
takes accusative for the victim and dative for whatever they're robbed of.
> "Það spara eg eigi," segir Gunnar.
> "I do not mind" says Gunnar (or do not refuse)
More like "not refuse": I won't shrink / hold back from that.
> Njáll mælti: "Hér er hey og matur er eg vil gefa þér. Vil eg að þú
leitir aldrei annarra en mín ef þú þarft nokkurs við."
> Njal spoke " Here is hay and food that I want to give you. I
wish/hope that you won't ever ask for help from anyone else than
myself if you (have) need
Yes: "I wish that you never seek [any] others except me if you are in
need of anything."
'leita' and 'þurfa (við)' both take genitive, hence 'annarra' "others"
(i.e. anyone else), and 'nokkurs' "something, anything".
> Njáll var á þingi og synir hans. Þingið er kyrrt.
> Njal was at Thing and his sons . Thing was quiet (surely most uncommon)
Ominously so? þing + the definite article -ið = -it "the thing/assembly"
> vangeymslu
> carelessness/accident (?)
Carelessness, negligence: van- = "lack of"; 'geyma' "to watch, heed,