Yikes: this grammar is even more fiendish than I thought!

> "I do not like
> green eggs and ham.
> I do not like them,
> Sam-I-am."

'græn' seems like a good guess anyway, unless I'm hugely confused,
since neuter plural = feminine singular...

> What you can say is:
> 4.1 Ég er með nytsama fætur og augu.

I might be making a false analogy here, but this reminds me of those
constructions where the verb is singular but has two subjects.

brenn fold ok fen (Hervarar saga)

ok var þar Ásgautr ok Þórólfr (Laxdoela saga)

ok verðr prís ok gleði mikil í höllinni (Ála-Flekks saga)

en hann ok ek skal veita yðr fullan styrk til allrar framkvæmðar

Does that still happen in Modern Icelandic?