Otkell hét maður. Hann var Skarfsson Hallkelssonar. Sá Hallkell barðist við
Grím í
A man was called Otkell. He was son of Skarf, son of Hallkell. This
Hallkel fought with Grim in
Grímsnesi og felldi hann á hólmi. Þeir voru bræður Hallkell og Ketilbjörn
hinn gamli.
Grim's Point and slew him at (the) knoll. They were brothers, Hallkell and
Ketilbjorn the elder.
Otkell bjó í Kirkjubæ. Þorgerður hét kona hans. Hún var Másdóttir
Otkell lived at Church . His wife was called Þorgerð. She was a daughter
of Mas, son of Brondolf
Naddaðarsonar hins færeyska. Otkell var auðigur að fé. Sonur hans hét
Þorgeir. Hann var
son of Naddar the Faroese. Otkell was wealthy as to money. His son was
called Þorgeir. He was
á ungum aldri og gervilegur maður.
at a young age and an accomplished man.
Skammkell hét maður. Hann bjó að Hofi öðru. Hann átti vel fé. Hann var maður
A man was called Skammkell. He lived at (the) other side of Hofi. He had
plenty of wealth. He was an ill-willed man
og lyginn, ódæll og illur viðureignar. Hann var vinur Otkels mikill.
and untruthful, quarrelsome and hard to manage. He was a great friend of
Hallkell hét bróðir Otkels. Hann var mikill maður og sterkur og var þar með
A brother of Otkell's was called Hallkell. He was a big man and strong and
was with Otkelll.
Bróðir þeirra hét Hallbjörn hvíti. Hann flutt út þræl einn er Melkólfur hét.
Hann var
A brother of theirs was called Hallbjorn (the) white. He had brought from
overseas one thrall who was called Melkolf. He was
írskur og heldur óvinsæll. Hallbjörn fór til vistar með Otkatli og svo
Melkólfur þræll.
Irish and rather unpopular. Hallbjorn went to stay with Otkell and (al)so
(the) thrall Melkolf.
Þrællinn mælti það jafnan að hann þættist sæll ef Otkell ætti hann. Otkell
var vel til hans
The thrall said it always that he would think himself fortunate if Otkell
had him. Otkell got along well with him
og gaf honum hníf og belti og alklæðnað en þrællinn vann allt það er hann
vildi. Otkell
and gave him a knife and a belt and a full suit of clothes and the thrall
worked at all that which he wished. Otkell
falaði þrælinn að bróður sínum. Hann kvaðst mundu gefa honum þrælinn en kvað
asked to buy the thrall of his brother. He declared he would give him the
thrall but said still (there was)
verra grip í en hann ætlaði. En þegar er Otkell átti þrælinn þá vann hann
allt verr. Otkell
worse value in (it, even though he paid nothing) than he expected. And as
soon as when Otkell had the thrall then he worked worse at everything.
talaði oft um það fyrir Hallbirni bróður sínum að honum þótti þrællinn lítið
vinna en hann
talked about it often before Hallbjorn, his brother, that (it) seemed to him
the thrall worked little but he
kvað honum þó annað verr gefið.
told him still another worse given.?
Í þenna tíma kom hallæri mikið svo að menn skorti bæði hey og mat og gekk
það um
In that time came a great famine so that people were short of both hay and
food and it went (that way) regarding
allar sveitir. Gunnar miðlaði mörgum manni hey og mat og höfðu allir þeir er
(the) whole community. Gunnar shared hay and food with many people and they
all had
komu meðan til var. Svo kom að Gunnar skorti bæði hey og mat. Þá kvaddi
that until that time came as long as (there) was (anything to share). So
(it) came (about) that Gunnar was short of both hay and food. Then Gunnar
Kolskegg til ferðar með sér og þá Sigfússonu og Lamba Sigurðarson. Þeir fóru
Kolskegg to a trip with him and then Sigfusson and Lambi Sigurdarson. They
Kirkjubæ og kölluðu Otkel út. Hann heilsaði þeim.
to Kirkby and called Otkell out. He greeted them.
Gunnar mælti: "Svo er háttað að eg er kominn að fala að þér hey og mat ef
til er."
Gunnar spoke, "So (it has) happened that I am come to ask to buy from you
hay and food if (there) is any left (Z)
Otkell svarar: "Hvorttveggja er til en hvortgi mun eg þér selja."
Otkell answers, "(there) is enough of both but I will sell you neither."