Njal 45 end + 46 - - Graces translation

From: Fred and Grace Hatton
Message: 7876
Date: 2007-02-20

I couldn't make any sense out of the next to last sentence in Kafli 45 plus
had a couple of other diffuculties.


Nú liðu þrjú þing þau er menn ætluðu að hann mundi sækja málið. Þá kom eitt

(By) now those three Things passed when people expected that he would
prosecute (the) case. Then one (particular) complicated case

að hendi Gunnari það er hann vissi eigi hversu upp skyldi taka. Reið hann þá
til fundar

came to Gunnar's hands that which he knew not how (he) should proceed. He
rode then to a meeting

við Njál. Hann fagnar vel Gunnari.

with Njal. He received Gunnar well.

Gunnar mælti til Njáls: "Heilræði er eg kominn að sækja að þér um eitt

Gunnar spoke to Njal, "I am come to seek from you wise counsel(s) regarding
one (particular) difficult case."

"Maklegur ert þú þeirra," segir Njáll og réð honum ráðin.

"You are deserving of those," says Njal and gave him the advice.

Gunnar stóð þá upp og þakkaði honum.

Gunnar got up then and thanked him.

Njáll mælti þá og tók til Gunnars: "Helsti lengi hefir Sigmundur frændi þinn
óbættur verið."

Njal spoke then and concerned (himself) with Gunnar (or took his arm??),
"Far too long has your kinsman Sigmund been unatoned."

"Fyrir löngu var hann bættur," segir Gunnar, "en þó vil eg eigi drepa hendi
við sóma mínum."

"Long since before was he atoned," says Gunnar, "but nevertheless I do not
wish to wave (anything) away with (the) hand (Z II 1) (if it accords) with
my honour."

Gunnar hafði aldrei illa mælt til Njálssona. Njáll vildi ekki annað en
Gunnar gerði um

Gunnar had never spoken badly about Njal's sons. Njal did not wish
other(wise) and Gunnar adjudged

málið. Hann gerði tvö hundruð silfurs en lét Skjöld vera ógildan. Þeir
greiddu þegar allt

regarding (the) case. He adjudged two hundred (ounces) of silver and let
Skjold be unatoned. They paid out all the money immediately.

féið. Gunnar sagði sætt þeirra upp á Þingskálaþingi þá er þar var mest
fjölmenni og tjáði

Gunnar declared (himself) settled up with them at the Thing ? Thing, then
when there were the greatest crowd and told

hversu þeim hafði vel farið feðgum og sagði um orð þau hin illu er Sigmundi
dró til

how well they had (done by him) father and sons and told regarding those the
evil words which proved fatal to Sigmund

höfuðsbana og skyldi engi þau herma síðan en vera ógildur hver sem hermdi.
Þeir mæltu

and should none repeat them afterwards but be unatoned he who repeated
(them). They

það báðir, Gunnar og Njáll, að engir hlutir skyldu þeir til verða að eigi
semdu þeir sjálfir.

both declared it, Gunnar and Njal, that no thing? they should happen? to
not? they agreed upon themselves.

Efndist það og vel síðan og voru þeir jafnan vinir.

It turned out (that way) and well afterwards and they were always friends.

46. kafli

Gissur hvíti hét maður. Hann var Teitsson Ketilbjarnarsonar hins gamla frá

A man was called Gissur the white. He was son of Teit, son of Ketil Bjorn's
son the elder, from Moss Fell.

Móðir Gissurar hét Ólöf. Hún var dóttir Böðvars hersis Víkinga-Kárasonar.

Gissur's mother was Alof. She was (the) daughter of Chieftain Bodvar, son
of Viking Kari. Bishop Isleif

byskup var sonur Gissurar. Móðir Teits hét Helga og var dóttir Þórðar

was Gissur's son. Teit's mother was called Helga and was (the) daughter of
Bearded Þórð

Hrappssonar Bjarnarsonar bunu. Gissur hvíti bjó að Mosfelli og var höfðingi

son of Hrapp, son of Bjorn Buna. Gissur the white lived at Moss Fell and
was a great chieftain.

Sá maður er nefndur til sögunnar er Geir hét. Hann var kallaður Geir goði.
Móðir hans

This same man is named in the saga which is called Geir's (Saga). He was
called Chieftain Geir. His mother

hét Þorkatla og var dóttir Ketilbjarnar hins gamla frá Mosfelli. Geir bjó í
Hlíð í

was named Þórkatla and was daughter of Ketil Bjorn the elder from Moss
Fell. Geir lived in Hlid in

Byskupstungu. Þeir Geir og Gissur fylgdust að hverju máli.

Bishop's Tongue. They, Geir and Gissur, helped at every case.

Í þenna tíma bjó Mörður Valgarðsson að Hofi á Rangárvöllum. Hann var slægur

In that time Mord Valgard's son lived at Hofi in (the) Rang River Plains.
He was sly and

illgjarn. Þá var Valgarður utan, faðir hans, en móðir hans önduð. Hann
öfundaði mjög

illwilled. Then Valgard, his father, was out (of the country) and his
mother was (breathing?, a duck? or according to MM & HP, dead). He was very

Gunnar frá Hlíðarenda. Hann var vel auðigur að fé og heldur óvinsæll.

of Gunnar of Hlidarend. He was very wealthy as to money and rather

Fred and Grace Hatton
Hawley Pa

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