I like the idea of the void of potential energy.
It reminds me of the modern concept of Dark matter
--- Andrew Higgins <asthiggins@...> wrote:

> Greetings Nores Group
> Thanks for everyones comments on the workd for
> elephants!
> I am working my way - slowly!- through Gylfaginning
> in the wonderful
> editon by Anthony Faulkes
> The other day - I cam across this passage about this
> passage quoted
> from the Voluspa (lines 12-18)
> Ar var alda
> that er ekki var
> Vara sandr ne saer
> ne savalar unnir
> Jorth fansk eigi
> ne upphiminim
> gap var ginninga
> en gras ekki
> Which I reckon as:
> A long time ago it was and there was nothing
> Neither was there sand nor sea
> nor cool seas
> The Earth was not yet formed
> nor the sky above
> there was only an abyss filled with magic powers (or
> potential)
> and no plants.
> What I am interested in what exactly the word
> "ginnunga" memans.
> According to Faulkes -
> ginnunga - gen pl (or sg?) of the mighty spaces -
> ginning - ilusion,
> magical deception, perhaps "filled with magic power"
> According to Zoega
> ginnunga-gap (n) - the great void, primeaval chaos
> I have always thought of this as just a great void
> (like Zoega) but
> Faulkes' idea of the gap having a potentially for
> magic power (like
> the Rhinegold!) is a new one. Could this mean that
> the gap has
> inherent in it (and by whom!) some magic force that
> drove the
> creation of the world?
> Be interesting to hear views on this and also if my
> translation is on
> the right track!!
> Thanks, Andy