From: llama_nom
Message: 7836
Date: 2007-02-10
> Og ef þér rekið eigi þessa réttar þá munuð þér engrar skammar(skömm) reka."
> And if you do not pursue (seek vengeance / redress for) this claimthen you will pursue (seek vengeance / redress for) no dishonour
> en því var ekki vant.I think 'því' = "that", refering to the phenomenon itself. Impersonal
> but (and) in that (it) was not usual.
> Helga brá ekki við."Helgi didn't react" (Njáll's son Helgi). With the verb 'bregða við',
> Helga moved (reacted) not.
> að þá veiði bæri eigi undan (is this an impersonal construction?)That's right, see Zoega 'bera' II. 2. These examples are a little