Njall 44 to end Patricia's translation

From: Patricia Wilson
Message: 7834
Date: 2007-02-09

"Reiddist Gunnar þó fyrir yðra hönd," segir hún, "og þykir hann skapgóður.
Og ef þér rekið eigi þessa réttar þá munuð þér engrar skammar reka."
Even Gunnar was furious  at your hands (on your behalf - likely) says she £and he is thought to be even tempered" But if you take no vengeance for this (thing) you will never avenge anything (avenge any insult)

"Gaman þykir kerlingunni að, móður vorri, að erta oss," segir Skarphéðinn og
glotti við en þó spratt honum sveiti í enni og komu rauðir flekkar í kinnur
honum en því var ekki vant.
"A game is thought by the Old Lady our Mother to taunt us" says Skarpheðin with grinning (verb 3rd sing) but even so sweat burst upon his brow (Z) and (there) came red flecks upon his cheeks and this was not as usual/common

Grímur var hljóður og beit á vörinni. Helga brá ekki við. Höskuldur gekk
fram með Bergþóru. Hún kom innar í annað sinn og geisaði mjög.
Grim was silent, and bit his lip, Helgi moved not with (this) i.e sat still Hoskuld went out with Bergþora. She re-entered - furious

Njáll mælti: "Kemst þó að seint fari húsfreyja. Og fer svo um mörg mál þó að
menn hafi skapraun af að jafnan orkar tvímælis þó að hefnt sé."
Njal spoke "You will come - of yourself to the end (i.e. of a problem) if you go (take it) slowly and go so (do this) because a serious case when men are disturbed/angered by it there is always power - doubt discordant reports (Z) when ever (things) are avenged

En um kveldið er Njáll var kominn í rekkju heyrði hann að öx kom við þilið
og söng í hátt en lokrekkja var önnur og héngu þar á skildir og sér hann að
þeir eru í brautu.
But in the evening when Njal was come in to bed  he heard an anx come against the wainscoting and rang (clang?) and the bed closet was locked and the Shields that (usually) hung there were gone

Hann mælti: "Hverjir hafa tekið ofan skjöldu vora?"
He asked "who has taken down our shields"

"Synir þínir gengu út með," segir Bergþóra.
" your sons have gone out with (them) says Bergþora

Njáll kippti skóm á fætur sér og gekk út og öðrum megin hússins og sér að
þeir stefna upp á hvolinn.
Njall pulled shoes on his feet and went outside and on the other side of the house saw that they we making for (new intro to O/N) the knoll

Hann mælti: "Hvert skal fara Skarphéðinn?"
He spoke "Where are you going Skarpheðin?"

"Leita sauða þinna," segir hann.
"To seek for your Sheep" says he (tongue in  cheek no doubt)

Njáll mælti: "Ekki munduð þér þá vera vopnaðir ef þér ætluðuð það og mun
annað vera erindið."
"Nall spoke "Neither do you want to be armed if you intended (pl?) that -   it will be another errand"

"Laxa skulum vér veiða faðir ef vér rötum eigi sauðina," segir Skarphéðinn.
"we will fish for Salmon father if we find no sheep (if they are not there) says Skarpheðin

"Vel væri þá ef svo væri að þá veiði bæri eigi undan," segir Njáll.
"Well let it be so that if it were so (if truth be told) let the fishing not go down (fail) says Njall

Þeir fóru leið sína en Njáll gekk inn til hvílu sinnar.
They went  on their way and Njall went back in to his bed

Hann mælti til Bergþóru: "Úti voru synir þínir með vopnum allir og munt þú
nú hafa eggjað þá til nokkurs."
He spoke to Bergþora " Out (away) have gone your Sons with all weapons (heavily armed)  and now you have egged them on to some (other) thing
"Allvel skal eg þakka þeim ef þeir segja mér heim víg Sigmundar," segir
All well shall I thank them if the speak/tell to me at home (upon their return) of the death of Sigmund.
It is to be noticed - if the sons are good "my brave boys" but if they are being bad - the phrase "Your sons" will be used - nothing new under the Sun.
How does Bergþora get to sleep - no conscience perhaps - well there was no Horlicks in those days
Any comments - corrections will be well received

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