> "Misvitur er Njáll," segir Hallgerður, "þar er hann kann (kunna) til hversvetna ráð." (not sure in what sense kunna is being used here, is a missing verbunderstood?)
> 'Njál is not-always-equally-wise (Z),' says Hallgerð, `there where he knows (the) plan everywhere.'

kunna in the sense of "know", I think, with ráð as the direct object: "seeing as how he knows a suitable course of action for anything", "what with him knowing what to do about anything."  See Zoega ráð 2 "expedient, means", kunna ráð til e-s.  Compare: Sámur kvaðst mundu kunna ráð til þess (Hrafnkels saga Freysgoða).  Google also turns up plenty of modern examples of kann ráð (við e-u, til e-s): "know what to do (about something)", "know how to go about it."

is the genitive of hvatvetna "anything whatever", rather than hvervetna = hvarvetna "anywhere".  This example is cited in CV [ http://lexicon.ff.cuni.cz/png/oi_cleasbyvigfusson/b0297.png ].  And til has the sense of "for" (Zoega 5).

> aka í skegg sér

"cart [dung] into his beard" (as one would cart dung into a field).  Z 2.

> þögnuðu allir

Not a correction -- just curious to see the masculine adjective used of a mixed group, rather than neuter plural, assuming that Hallgerðr is included in this.

> Þú hrópar sonu Njáls og sjálfan hann er þó er mest
vert en slíkt sem þú hefir áður af gert við (göra, Z13) þá (well-done Grace) og mun þetta vera þinn bani.
> You slander Njál's sons and he, himself, who is nevertheless most worthy, but such as you (the likes of you) have already (before) wronged them and this will be your cause-of-death (bane).

slíkt = neuter: such (wrong) as you have already/previously done against them, rather than "such as you who..."  I understood this clause as absolute: "and (to think of) such crimes as you have already committed against them."