Njall 44 Beginning - Patricia's Translation

From: Patricia Wilson
Message: 7805
Date: 2007-02-02

Hello Everybody -
it seems here - towards the end - Hallgerð has her wooden spoon out - stirring it up - I mean to say what else is new
Chapter 44
Nú ríða menn heim af þingi. Og er Gunnar kom heim mælti hann til Sigmundar:
Now (at the time) men rode home from Thing. And Gunnar came home and he spoke to Sigmund
"Meiri ert þú ógiftumaður en eg ætlaði og hefir þú til ills þína mennt.
"You are more (of an) unfortunate man than I thought and you have put to evil use your skills/talents
þó hefi eg nú gervan þig sáttan við Njál og sonu hans og skyldir þú nú eigi
annarri flugu láta koma í munn þér.
 Even thought I have made your (sing) agreement/peace with Njal and his sons you must never (get a fly in your mouth - thanks Alan) be caught like a fish again
Ert þú mér ekki skaplíkur. Þú ferð með
spott og háð en það er ekki mitt skap.
You and I are not alike (in disposition). You make your way with mockery and that is not my way
Kemur þú þér því vel við Hallgerði að
þið eigið meir skap saman."
I comes to you so (in this way) well with Hallgerð the two of you are similar in spirit

Gunnar taldi á hann langa hríð en Sigmundur svaraði honum vel og kvaðst meir
hans ráðum skyldu fram fara þaðan af en þar til hafði verið. Gunnar sagði
honum þá hlýða mundu. Hélst með því nokkura hríð.
Gunnar talked/reproved him for a long time and Sigmund replied to him well and 
(?quietly) declared of himself to keep to his advice more than he had done before (use of þaðan - from that time)
Gunnar said to him it (his promise) would be good (sure and if he klept it) and they held well for some time (were on good terms)

Jafnan mæltust þeir vel við, Gunnar og Njáll og synir hans, þó að fátt væri
meðal annars liðsins.
On even terms they were speaking with (together) Gunnar and Njall and his sons,in spite of little support (liðsins ?) from the others - (rest of the clan)

Sá atburður varð að farandi konur komu til Hlíðarenda frá Bergþórshvoli. Þær
voru málgar og heldur illorðar.
It happened that beggar women came to Hliðarend from Bergþorsknoll. They were chattering and ill-spoken
Hallgerður sat í dyngju því að hún var því
vön. Þar var Þorgerður dóttir hennar og Þráinn. Þar var og Sigmundur og
fjöldi kvenna.
Hallgerd was sitting in the bower (Z) which she used. There were Thorgerð her daughter and Thrainn, There were Sigmund and some (a few) women,
Gunnar var eigi þar né Kolskeggur. Farandkonur þessar gengu
inn í dyngjuna.
Neither Gunnar nor Kolskegg were there.  Those Beggarwomen came to the bower 
Hallgerður heilsaði þeim og lét gefa þeim rúm.
Hallgerð greeted them and found them a place
Hún spurði að
tíðindum en þær kváðust engi segja.
She asked them for their news and they said they had not much
Hallgerður spurði hvar þær hefðu verið
um nóttina. Þær sögðust verið hafa að Bergþórshvoli.
Hallgerð asked where they had spent the night. They both said (?together) they had been at Bergþorsknoll

"Hvað hafðist Njáll að?" segir Hallgerður.
"What was Njal doing?" says Hallgerð

"Stritaðist hann við að sitja," sögðu þær.
"He busied himself - sitting about" said they

"Hvað gerðu synir Njáls?" sagði Hallgerður, "þeir þykjast helst menn."
"What were Njal's sons doing?" said Hallgerð "they think themselves to be Men"

"Miklir eru þeir að vallarsýn en óreyndir eru þeir mjög," sögðu þær.
"Big are they on the outside appearance (Z)  but much are they untested/untried they said
"Skarphéðinn hvatti öxi, Grímur skefti spjót, Helgi hnauð hjalt á sverð,
Höskuldur treysti mundriða í skildi."
*Skarpheðin whetted an axe, Grim was mending a spear Helgi was rivetting (MM&HP) the handle of his sword and Hoskuld was making firm the  handle of his Shield

"Til stórræða nokkurra munu þeir ætla," segir Hallgerður.
* they are planning something big" says Hallgerð

"Eigi vitum við það," segja þær.
"We don't know about that"  said they

"Hvað gerðu húskarlar Njáls?" segir Hallgerður.
"What were Njal's house-carls doing" says Hallgerð

Þær svöruðu: "Eigi vissum við hvað sumir gerðu en einn ók skarni á hóla."
They replied " we did not see what all of them were doing but one was taking dung to a pile (taking it somewhere or piling it up)
I have no doubt that the visitors though begging - will be treated well by Hallgerð it seems as if they know what to say and how to spread the kind of gossip that will be well received by the Housewife
Hope I have done better this time - any critique welcome
As I was writing - so Grace's translation came in - cheers Grace

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