This does appear to be working now - and on the other hand I am not best pleased - having your PC crash can never be compared to having a child in hospital as has been suggested - but it is damned upsetting  "Troll take the virus"
Gunnar sagði það maklegt vera. Gunnar greiddi af hendi féið vel og reið heim
Gunnar said that to be fitting/suitable.   Gunnar paid out of hand promptly and well
(didn't argue) and rode home after

Njáll kom heim af þingi og synir hans.
Njal came home from Thing and his sons (with him)

Bergþóra sá féið og mælti: "Vel er þessu í hóf stillt en jafnmikið fé skal
koma fyrir Kol er stundir líða."
Bergthora saw the money and spoke " that was settled moderately,  but the same shall come for Kol when the (his) time comes"

Gunnar kom heim af þingi og taldi á Hallgerði. Hún kallaði betri menn óbætta
liggja margstaðar.
Gunnar came home from Thing and reproached Harllgerð. (waste of time) She answered that better men  lie had been killed withoutcompensation (markstaðr?)
Gunnar kvað hana ráða mundu tiltekjum sínum "en eg skal
ráða hversu málin lúkast."
Gunnar declared she could do as she liked "but I shall decide how to settle" (the charge)

Hallgerður hældist jafnan um víg Svarts en Bergþóru líkaði það illa.
Hallgerð boasted of Svart's death and Bergthora but that suited Bergthora badly

Njáll fór upp í Þórólfsfell og synir hans að skipa þar til bús.
Njall went up to Thorolfsfell and his sons to tend the farm there
En þann sama
dag varð sá atburður er Bergþóra var úti að hún sér mann ríða að garði
svörtum hesti.
On that same day, as it happened, Bergthora was outside and saw a man riding by the yard  on a black horse
Hún nam staðar og gekk eigi inn. Hún kenndi eigi manninn. Sjá
maður hafði spjót í hendi og gyrður saxi. Hún spurði þenna mann að nafni.
She kept her place (remained where she was) and did not go inside
She knew not the Man.
She saw he had a spear in his hand and a sword in his belt (Z -1)
She then asked the man his name

"Atli heiti eg," sagði hann.
"Atli I am named" said he

Hún spurði hvaðan hann væri.
She asked where he came from

"Eg er austfirskur maður," segir hann.
"I am an East Fjords man" says he

"Hvert skalt þú fara?" segir hún.
"Where are you going?"  says she

"Eg er maður vistlaus," segir hann, "og ætlaði eg að finna Njál og
Skarphéðinn og vita ef þeir vildu taka við mér."
"I am a man without a place! says he "and "and I intended to see Njal and Skarphedin and know if they would take me (employ me)

"Hvað er þér hentast að vinna?" segir hún.
"What is your best work?" says she (what do you do best)

"Eg er akurgerðarmaður og margt er mér vel hent að gera," segir hann, "en
eigi vil eg því leyna að eg er maður skapharður og hefir jafnan hlotið um
sárt að binda fyrir mér."
"I am a reaper (Z) /field worker and I am good at many other things" says he  "and I do not keep it from you I am a man of hard temper and often it is that wounds are bound on my account"

"Ekki gef eg þér það að sök," segir hún, "þótt þú sért engi bleyðimaður."
"I have nothing against you in that (no blame) says she "that you are no coward.
just her type they

Atli mælti: "Ert þú nokkurs ráðandi hér?"
Atli  spoke "Are you (of) some authority here?"

"Eg er kona Njáls," segir hún, "og ræð eg ekki síður hjón en hann."
"I am Njal's wife" says she "and decide the hiring no less than he"

"Vilt þú taka við mér?" segir hann.
"Will you take me on?" says he

"Gera mun eg kost á því," segir hún, "ef þú vilt vinna allt það er eg legg
fyrir þig og svo þó að eg vilji senda þig til mannráða."
"I will give you a chance/trial if you want to do all that I shall ask even though I send you to kill a man"

"Átt þú svo til varið um menn," segir hann, "að þú munt ekki mín þurfa að
því að kosta."
"You already (even so) have many men for that - you do not need to hire me"

"Það skil eg er eg vil," segir hún.
" I am making the decisions" says she - (she is calling the shots)

"Kaupa munum við að þessu," sagði hann.
"Let us agree on this" said he

Þá tók hún við honum
So she took him on
I was wondering why they thought it necessary to mention Bergthora remained where she was - when Atli rode into the yard - it seems to be a device of the writer to establish that Bergthora was a confident and self-possessed woman - unless it was thought then that women did not engage strangers in conversation - just a thought