From: Patricia
Message: 7640
Date: 2006-12-02
----- Original Message -----From: LanceSent: Saturday, December 02, 2006 5:55 AMSubject: Re: [norse_course] Pronunciation [hypothetical]
Hi Patricia. Yeah maybe something happened to the message. Thanks for the info. Do you know where I could obtain this New Introduction to Old Norse book?Cheers,LanceStrange - Lance - very strange I thought I had replied - I wonder if it got lost - well - if you have the New Introduction to Old Norse it is in book one - not as good as a CD but it is in print - would that helpPatriciaI shall keep the matter in mind and if I find anything else I shall let you know----- Original Message -----From: LanceSent: Thursday, November 30, 2006 6:55 PMSubject: Vedr. Re: [norse_course] Pronunciation [hypothetical]So I assume none of you learn how to read or pronounce a form of Old Norse. You just read it in your head. Oh well...
Lance <lance_mcclure@> skrev:HeillI am curious to know how those of you who read or speak a form of Old Norse go about learning it. What are the guidlines that you follow? Do you use Modern Icelandic pronunciation, some sort of Old Icelandic pronunciation, Old Norwegian, etc...? What about the nasals, prosody, rounded vowels, etc...?I am eager to learn more about East Norse as it was spoken by the jómsvíkings, or at least, the common tongue in Denmark at that time - if that's possible to know. Something else I'm curious is about is dialects - is it known what sort of dialect variation existed in the Viking Days? Was it similar to the current linguistic situation today (excluding Insular Skandinavian & Finnish) in Skandinavia, or was it even more homogenous? Were there sociolects? -- Did both royalty and peasants speak with the same vocabulary, syntax, pronunciation, etc or could you tell a persons' social status by their dialect?Well, I hope I get an answer. I know that these questions may simply be hypothetical at best. Takk fyrir.Kveðjur,L
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