----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, December 01, 2006 12:54 PM
Subject: Njal chapter 36 part two
Hann tók öxina og var reiður mjög og tekur hest
er Gunnar átti og ríður þart il er hann kemur austur að Markarfljóti.
He took the axe and was very angry and took a horse
that Gunnar owned (átti - had ? belonged to Gunnar) and rode
till he came east to Markarfljot.
Hann steig þar af baki og beið í
skóginum þar
til er þeir höfðu borið ofan viðinn og Svartur var einn
There he dismounted and
stayed in the woods there until they(the men) had born away the wood and Svart
was alone after that
Hleypur Kolur þá að honum og mælti: "Fleiri
munu kunna að höggva stórt en þú
Kol leapt/charged towards
him and spoke "More men can chop hard besides you alone"
og setti öxina í höfuð honum og hjó hann banahögg
og ríður heim síðan
og segir Hallgerði vígið.
And swung the axe at his head
cut him his deathblow, and rode home and told Halgerð of the
"Njót heill handa," segir hún, "og skal eg þig svo
varðveita að þig skal ekki saka."
"I have good hands"
says she "and I shall thus care for you that no one shall harm
"Vera má það," segir hann, "en hinn veg dreymdi mig þó
áður en eg vó vígið."
"That may be so" says he "but
I dreamed the other way before I killed him"
Nú koma þeir upp í
skóginn og finna Svart veginn og flytja hann heim.
Now came they up to the
forest and found Svart dead and carried him home
Hallgerður sendi
mann til þings að segja Gunnari vígið.
Hallgerd sent a man to the Thing to tell Gunnar of the
Gunnar hallmælti
Hallgerði ekki um fyrir
sendimanninum og vissu menn eigi hvort honum þótti vel eða
Gunnar spoke no ill of Hallgerd to the
messenger and folk did not know how he thought - well or ill
Litlu síðar stóð hann upp og bað menn sína ganga
með sér.
A little after he stood up and
asked his men to go with him
Þeir gerðu svo og fóru til búðar Njáls.
They did so, and they went to Njal's booth
Gunnar sendi mann eftir Njáli og bað hann
Gunnar sent a man in after Njal and asked him to come
Njáll gekk út þegar og gengu þeir Gunnar á
Njall came out at once and
they went (with Gunnar - apart) to talk
Gunnar mælti: "Víg hefi eg að segja þér og hefir
valdið Hallgerður kona mín
en vegið hefur Kolur verkstjóri minn en fyrir
hefir orðið Svartur húskarl þinn."
Gunnar spoke "I have to tell
you of a death caused/brought about by Hallgerd my wife and Kol my overseer
and the one killed was Svart your servant.
Njáll þagði
meðan Gunnar sagði söguna.
Njal was silent while Gunnar
told the (whole) story (like a Saga)
Þá mælti Njáll: "Þurfa munt
þú að láta hana eigi öllu fram koma."
Then spoke Njal " you need to
(you must need ?) to stop her owning all she can " (like she must be stopped
getting her own way continually - got lost there)
Gunnar mælti:
"Sjálfur skalt þú dæma."
Gunnar spoke "You yourself
shall Judge"
Njáll mælti: "Erfitt mun þér verða að bæta öll slys
Hallgerðar og mun annars
Njal spoke " "Troublesome
will it be to abate/compensate for all of Halgerd's wrong doings and it
will be in another
staðar meira slóða draga en hér er við eigum hlut
að og mun
place (elsewhere) (worse than here) a wider trail
(?) with a different fate/outcome
(got thoroughly lost here)
hér þó mikið á
vanta að vel
here inspite of it wants/needs much good
sé og munum við þess þurfa að muna það er
við höfum lengi vel við mælst.
We will have to keep in mind (remember) that between us
is what we have said for a long time (not to forget the good past)
Og væntir mig að þér fari vel en þó munt þú verða
mjög að
And I expect you to do well
but just the same you will be greatly tested (or threatened)
tók sjálfdæmi af Gunnari og mælti: "Ekki mun eg halda máli þessu til
Njall took (accepted) selfjudgement from Gunnar and
"Neither shall I hold this to a contest
Þú skalt gjalda tólf aura silfurs.
You shall give me twelve ounces (or pieces) of
En það vil eg til skilja þó að
nokkuð komi það
úr vorum garði er þér eigið um að gera að þér stillið eigi
But I want to stipulate (G) that if
something comes, from my place that you judge that you arrange not worse
I find the word order of the longer
sentences absolutely villainous.
I regret the mess I made it is that
I know sometimes what I think is meant and I do sometimes look at the
"book" I cannot copy what is written in someone elses translation I prefer to
learn from my own mistakes.
Meanwhile I am going back - over
the week end to the books on grammar - especially Faarlund I need to revise I
think I need that
this laptop I am using is unable to let me use the
Alt + codes I have to drag and drop that is risky - you
have the oddest letters in the text where they do not belong and my PC is at the
- (?) Doctor's(?) I miss him