--- "llama_nom" wrote:

> But as it appears here, maybe it's a singular noun `gægr'

Yes. EÓS glosses it as "flírulegt augnaráð".

> (which
> would make it a conventional A type line: / x / x / x

Exactly. While the line "era gapriplar góðir" works out as
a D type, with resolution in the first foot. Note that there
is no rhyme in the first line, and just a half-rhyme in the
second. Very impromptu and informal, off the cuff.

> atkvæðamikil
> with the idea of `atkvæðimikill' being "bossy, overbearing".

"Assertive" is very close. There is no negativity as such.

Hún var atkvæðamikil =
Hún lét mikið að sér kveða =
Það kvað mikið að henni =
Hún lét mikið til sín taka.

These all mean: "she was assertive, she was firm in her
decisions, she made most of the decisions". It will only
mean "bossy, overbearing" if the context is clearly
negative, which I don't think it is here. Same as with
"fengsöm" = "good at providing", but in a negative context
this can shade into "grasping". The author is quite possibly
using ambiguous words for a reason here, because we will
find out later that she is a thieving, murderous bitch!
