Njal 34 end - - Grace's translation

From: Fred and Grace Hatton
Message: 7567
Date: 2006-11-21

I had several difficulties this time with sentences that wouldn't resolve
into good English as well as the unsatisfactory translations for fengsamr
(which looks like it should mean grasping or greedy) but which we have seen
before is something more like wasteful or the opposite of thrifty and
atkvæðamikil which can mean a witch's spell or I don't know what and lastly
búráðum which probably means something like a hopechest or linens and
household equipment that belong to her that she has made in anticipation of
marriage - - not the stores or pantry of the house where she had been
Þórhildur gengur um beina og báru þær Bergþóra mat á borð. Þráinn Sigfússon

Þórhild waits on guests and they (she and) Bergþóra carried food to (the)
table. Þráinn Sigfússon was

starsýnn á Þorgerði Glúmsdóttur. Þetta sér kona hans, Þórhildur. Hún reiðist
og kveður til

staring at Þorgerð, Glum's daughter. His wife, Þorhild saw this. She
becomes angry and speaks to

hans kviðling:

him a ditty,

"Era gapriplar góðir,

gægur er þér í augum,

"Ye gaping chieftain,

lust? is in your eyes

Þráinn," segir hún.

Þráinn" says she.

Hann steig þegar fram yfir borðið og nefndi sér votta og sagði skilið við
Þórhildi "vil eg

He leaped at once from (his seat) over the table and named witnesses for
himself and declared (himself) divorced with Þórhild "I don't want

eigi hafa flimtan hennar né fáryrði yfir mér."

to have her lampooning nor foul language about me."

Og svo var hann kappsamur um þetta að hann vildi eigi vera að veislunni nema
hún væri í

And he was so impetuous regarding this that he wished not to be at the
wedding feast unless she were

braut rekin. Og það varð að hún fór í braut. Og nú sátu menn hver í sínu
rúmi og drukku

driven away. And it happened that she went away. And now men sat each in
his seat and drank

og voru kátir.

and were merry.

Þá tók Þráinn til orða: "Ekki mun eg gera að launtali það sem mér býr í
skapi. Þess vil eg

Then Þrainn started speaking, "I will not do in secret talk that which to me
bears on (my) mind. I will ask you this

spyrja þig Höskuldur Dala-Kollsson, vilt þú gifta mér Þorgerði frændkonu

Hoskuld Dala-Kollson, do you want to give me Þorgerð, your kinswoman, in

"Eigi veit eg það," segir Höskuldur, "mér þykir þú lítt hafa við þessa
skilið er hefir þú

"I don't know (about) that," says Hoskuld, "seems to me you have little
(less?) with this divorce (than?) which you have

áður átt eða hver maður er hann, Gunnar?"

had before or what (sort of) man is he, Gunnar?"

Hann svarar: "Eigi vil eg frá segja því að mér er maðurinn skyldur og seg þú
frá Njáll, því

He answers, "I don't wish to speak about (that) because the man is
obligated? to me and you talk about (it) Njal,

munu allir trúa."

all will believe it."

Njáll mælti: "Það er frá manni að segja að maður er vel auðigur að fé og ger
að sér um

Njal spoke, "It is from people to say that a man is very rich as to wealth
and distinguishes himself

allt og hið mesta mikilmenni og megið þér fyrir því gera honum kostinn."

in every way and (is) the most powerful of men and may you because of it do
him the choice."

Þá mælti Höskuldur: "Hvað sýnist þér ráð Hrútur frændi?"

Then Hoskuld spoke, "How does (the) advice seem to you, Hrut kinsman?"

Hrútur svaraði: "Gera mátt þú fyrir því kostinn að þetta er henni jafnræði."

Hrut answered, " You may do for it the choice that this is an even match for

Þá tala þeir um kaupin og verða á allt sáttir. Stendur þá Gunnar upp og
Þráinn og ganga

Then they talked about the marriage and everything became agreed upon. Then
Gunnar stands up and Þráinn and (they) go to

að pallinum. Spurði Gunnar þær mæðgur hvort þær vildu játa þessum kaupum.

the dais. Gunnar asked those maidens whether they wished to consent to this
marriage. They

kváðust eigi bregða mundu. Fastnaði Hallgerður Þorgerði dóttur sína. Þá var

declared of themselves (they) would not diverge. Hallgerd bound her
daughter Þorgerð (in marriage). Then was arranged

konum í annað sinn. Sat þá Þórhalla meðal brúða. Fer nú boðið vel fram. Og
er lokið var

the women another time. Then Þórhalla sat between (the) brides. The feast
went well from (then on). And when (it) was ended

ríða þeir Höskuldur vestur en Rangæingar til sinna heimila. Gunnar gaf
mörgum góðar

they Hoskuld (and company) ride west but (the) Rang River folk (ride) to
their home. Gunnar gave many good

gjafar og virðist það vel.

gifts and was highly esteemed (for) it.

Hallgerður tók við búráðum og var fengsöm og atkvæðamikil. Þorgerður tók við

Hallgerd took along (her) pantry and was extravagant and bossy? Þorgerð
took along (her) pantry

að Grjótá og var góð húsfreyja.

to Stony and was a good housewife.
Fred and Grace Hatton
Hawley Pa

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