--- In norse_course@yahoogroups.com, "Patricia" <originalpatricia@...>
> I wonder where I got Rangar Vale from - silly that because right at
the very
> beginning -
> I was checking - before your E/mail came in and I have had in another
> chapter
> Crooked River and Twisted River I remember that too from another
> translation.

Well, I suppose the Rangæingar are the people who live in the Rang
River Valley, so maybe it adds up to the same thing -- 'Þá bjó
Höskuldr halti at Hofgörðum í Rangárdal' (Hrana saga Hrings) --
although Njáls saga, the version we're reading, uses the name
'Rangárvellir' "Rang River Plains. The adjective 'rangr', earlier
'vrangr' was borrowed into English as 'wrong'. 'vr' regularly became
'r' in Icelandic, but the older forms are sometimes revealed in poetry
by the alliteration, e.g. in the Eddic poem Lokasenna, Loki says:

vega þú gakk, Go thou to fight
ef þú (v)reiðr séir, if thou be wroth

> Misþykkja and samþykki I see that I shall have to check and read up
in my
> dictionary
> I am aware that I am not the only one reads a dictionary as literature.

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