From: Patricia
Message: 7528
Date: 2006-11-10
I wonder where I got Rangar Vale from - silly that because right at the very beginning -
I was checking - before your E/mail came in and I have had in another chapter
Crooked River and Twisted River I remember that too from another translation.
Misþykkja and samþykki I see that I shall have to check and read up in my dictionary
I am aware that I am not the only one reads a dictionary as literature.
Many Thanks LN for your comments
Would they have flown by Samþykkia - provided they could have had Aircraft
Oh shut up Patricia.
-------Original Message-------
From: llama_nom
Date: 10/11/2006 16:34:46
Subject: [norse_course] Re: Njall chapter 33 - Patricia's Translation > búða RangæingaRang (crooked) + á (river). The 'á' is then mutated to 'æ' before 'i' of the suffix to give 'Rangæingar', the Rang River Folk. > misþykkjamisþykkja, f. "discord" (also 'misþykki', n.) -- compare 'samþykki', n. "concord, consent, assent." | |||