Njal 33 1st part - - Grace's translation

From: Fred and Grace Hatton
Message: 7522
Date: 2006-11-10

33. kafli

Gunnar reið og þeir allir til þings. En er þeir komu á þing þá voru þeir svo
vel búnir að

Gunnar and they all rode to (the) Thing. But when they came to (the) Thing
then they were so well equipped that

engir voru þeir þar að jafnvel væru búnir og fóru menn út úr hverri búð að
undrast þá.

they were none there that were equally well equipped and men went out of
every booth to

wonder at them.

Gunnar reið til búða Rangæinga og var þar með frændum sínum. Margur maður
fór að

Gunnar rode to the Rang River booths and was there with his relatives. Many
a man went to

finna Gunnar og spyrja hann tíðinda. Hann var við alla menn léttur og kátur
og sagði öllum slíkt er vildu.

meet Gunnar and to ask him (the) news. He was with all men cheerful and
merry and told

all such which (they) wished.

Það var einn dag er Gunnar gekk frá Lögbergi. Hann gekk fyrir neðan

It was one day when Gunnar went from (the) Law Rock. He went below (the)
Mossy Hill booth.

Þá sá hann konur ganga í móti sér og voru vel búnar. Sú var í ferðarbroddi
konan er best

Then he saw women walking towards him and (they) were well dressed. That
one was in (the) vanguard who was

var búin. En er þau fundust kvaddi hún þegar Gunnar. Hann tók vel kveðju
hennar og

dressed (in the) best kind -konan? (way). And when they met she greeted
Gunnar at once. He received her greeting well and

spurði hvað kvenna hún væri. Hún nefndist Hallgerður og kvaðst vera dóttir

asked what woman she were. She named herself Hallgerd and said herself to
be daughter of Hoskuld

Dala-Kollssonar. Hún mælti til hans djarflega og bað hann segja sér frá
ferðum sínum en

son of Dala-Koll. She spoke to him boldly and asked him to tell her about
his journeys and

hann kvaðst ekki varna mundu henni máls. Settust þau þá niður og töluðu. Hún
var svo

he said of himself (he) will not deny her (the) tale. They set themselves
down then and spoke. She was so

búin að hún var í rauðum kyrtli og var á búningur mikill. Hún hafði yfir sér

dressed that she was in a red tunic and (it) was highly ornamented. She had
over herself

skarlatsskikkju og var búin hlöðum í skaut niður. Hárið tók ofan á bringu
henni og var

a scarlet mantel and (it) was decorated down the skirt of the cloak. <I
think lace-trimmed which MM and HP have here is not correct. Lace as we
think of it doesn't seem to have been around until the 1600's. Probably
tablet woven braid or embroidery would be closer> (She) brought (her) hair
over her chest and (it) was

bæði mikið og fagurt. Gunnar var í tignarklæðum þeim er Haraldur konungur

both abundant and fair. Gunnar was in royal robes, those which King Harald
Gorm's son

gaf honum. Hann hafði og hringinn á hendi Hákonarnaut. Þau töluðu lengi
hátt. Þar kom

gave him. He also had the ring on (his) hand, (the) gift(from) Hakon. They
spoke pleasantly for a long time. There came (a time)

er hann spurði hvort hún væri ógefin.

when he asked whether she were unmarried.

Hún sagði að svo væri "og er það ekki margra að hætta á það," segir hún.

She said that so (it) were "and it is not to risk many in it?" says she.

"Þykir þér hvergi fullkosta?" segir hann.

"Does (it) seem to you (to be) by no means well-matched?" says he.

"Eigi er það," segir hún, "en mannvönd mun eg vera."

"That is not it," says she, "but I will be particular as to choice of a
husband (Z)"

"Hversu munt þú svara ef eg bið þín?" segir Gunnar.

"How will you answer if I ask you?" says Gunnar

"Það mun þér ekki í hug," segir hún.

"That will not to you be in mind," says she.

"Eigi er það," segir hann.

"It is not," says he.

"Ef þér er nokkur hugur á," segir hún, "þá finn þú föður minn."
If to you anything (like that) is in mind," says she, "then you meet my

Síðan skildu þau talið.

Afterwards they ceased (the) conversation.

Gunnar gekk þegar til búðar Dalamanna og fann menn úti fyrir búðinni og spyr

Gunnar went at once to (the) booths of the Dales men and met men out in
front of the booths and asks whether

Höskuldur væri í búð en þeir sögðu að hann var víst þar. Gekk þá Gunnar inn.

Hoskuld were in (the) booth and they said that he certainly was there. Then
Gunnar went in. Hoskuld

og Hrútur tóku vel við Gunnari. Hann settist niður í meðal þeirra og fannst
það ekki í tali

and Hrut received Gunnar well. He set himself down between them and it
seemed not in their

þeirra að þar hefði nokkur misþykkja í meðal verið.

conversation that there had happened any discord between (them).

Fred and Grace Hatton
Hawley Pa

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