From: Patricia
Message: 7510
Date: 2006-11-07
Saell Alan - I noticed your comment about MM&HP's translation and was slightly inclined to see as you did that they understood in context - but it seemed logical to observe that -
Njall is an older person - and had a "premonition" that there will be disturbance at the Thing - and would have Gunnar to do the hame as he - Njall - with that svo - weird or what I cannot find the word but I have seen it used to mean - as, likewise, and in this context I have used thus ( I would have you do the same as I do - that is what I read into what Njal is saying)
Otherwise why did Kolskegg want to urge his Brother to go - in the manner of the young - he does not see what could happen - or am I reading too much into this.
What do you think
32. kafli
Um vorið spurði jarl Gunnar hvað hann vildi láta ráða sinna.
Hann kveðst
vilja til Íslands
In Spring the Earl asked Gunnar what he would reveal for his plans He declared - for himself to wish to go to Iceland
.Jarlinn kvað vera illa ært í landi "og mun vera lítil útsigling en þó
þú hafa mjöl og við í skip þitt sem þú vilt.
The Earl (? why declared it to be a bad season (Z) in the country "and there will be (only) little outsailing (going trading) but you just the same (?nevertheless) shall have meal/ flour and (other stuff ) woth it in your ship as you wish.
Gunnar þakkaði honum og bjó skip sitt snemmendis. Hallvarður fór út með
Gunnar thanked him and soon (Z) had his ship ready
Hallvarð went out (abroad) with them (Including Kolskegg)
komu út snemma sumars og tóku Arnarbælisós og var það fyrir alþingi.
They came out quickly in the Summer and took to (reached
- arrived at Arnabeli (that place on the estuary) and were there before the
Reið Gunnar þegar heim frá skipi en fékk menn til að ryðja skipið og
Kolskeggur með honum.
Gunnar road home at once and got men to unload the ship, and Kolskegg went with him
En er þeir komu heim urðu menn þeim fegnir. Þeir voru
blíðir við heimamenn
sína og hafði ekki vaxið dramb þeirra.
When they came home people became glad to see them. They were cheerful with their house servants - they had not grown (become) proud/haughty
Gunnar spurði hvort Njáll væri heima. Honum var sagt að hann var heima.
hann þá taka hest sinn og reið til Bergþórshvols og Kolskeggur með
Gunnar asked whether/if Njal was at home and it was
said to him that he was at home. Then he had his horse fetched and rode to
Bergthors Knoll abd Kolskegg with him
Njáll varð feginn komu þeirra og bað að þeir skyldu vera þar um
Þeir gerðu svo og sagði Gunnar frá ferðum sínum.
Njall was happy with their coming (happy to see
them ) and asked them to stay for the night. They did so and Gunnar told about
his travels.
Njáll sagði hann vera hinn mesta afreksmann "og ert
þú mjög reyndur en þó
munt þú meir síðar því að margur mun þig öfunda."
Njal said he was the most valiant (Z) man (heroic ?) "and
you (now) are very experienced though you will do more (better) later many will
envy (Z) (/ bear a grudge against you)
"Við alla vildi eg gott
eiga," segir Gunnar.
With all people I wanted (to have) good " says
"Margt mun til verða," segir Njáll, "og munt þú jafnan eiga
hendur þínar að
"Much will happen" says Njal "and you will often have to
defend your hands (?yourself)
"Undir því væri þá," segir Gunnar,
"að eg hefði málaefni góð."
"Under that (circumstamce) says Gunnar it were good
(?best) to have a good legal-case"
"Svo mun og vera," segir Njáll,
"ef þú geldur eigi annarra að."
"So (thus) it will be" says Njal "if you suffer not for
others" (y.e. on their account)
Njáll spurði Gunnar hvort hann
mundi til þings ríða. Gunnar segir að hann
mundi ríða og spyr hvort Njáll
mundi ríða en hann kveðst eigi ríða mundu "og
svo vildi eg að þú gerðir."
Njal asked of Gunnar whether ge would ride to
Thing. Gunnar says he would ride and asks whether Njal would ride be he (Njal)
declared of himself that he would not tide "and thus would I wish you to
Gunnar reið þá heim og gaf Njáli góðar gjafar og þakkaði
Gunnar road home and gave Njal good gifts and thanked him
for the management of the (Gunnar's) Property
Kolskeggur bróðir
hans fýsti hann að ríða til þings "mun þar vaxa sæmd þín
við því að margur
mun þar að þér víkja."
Koskegg his brother urged him to ride to Thing "Your
honour will increase there because many will turn to you (i,e, - with
"Lítt hefi eg það skap haft," segir Gunnar, "að hrósa mér
en gott þykir mér
að finna góða menn."
"Little have I had the spirit ?/idea" says Gunnar
"to praise nyself but good it seems to me to meet with good
Hallvarður var og þar kominn og bauð að ríða til þings með
Hallvarðwas also come and offered to ride to Thing with them
I did not rush this - I have got stuck occasionally and preferred to use a little logic - my sort anyway - where I was lost
Comments welcome