From: Fred and Grace Hatton Message: 7507 Date: 2006-11-07
32. kafli
Um vorið spurði jarl Gunnar hvað hann vildi láta ráða sinna. Hann kveðst
vilja til Íslands.
During the spring Gunnar asked (the) Earl what he wished to make his plans.
He said of himself to wish (to go) to Iceland.
Jarlinn kvað vera illa ært í landi "og mun vera lítil útsigling en þó skalt
þú hafa mjöl og
The Earl declared (there) to be a bad year in (the) country " and (there)
will be little sailing out (to Iceland) but nevertheless you shall have
flour and (everything) with (that)
við í skip þitt sem þú vilt."
in your ship as you wish."
Gunnar þakkaði honum og bjó skip sitt snemmendis. Hallvarður fór út með þeim
Gunnar thanked him and prepared his ship quickly. Hallvard went out with
them (G. and) Kolskegg.
Þeir komu út snemma sumars og tóku Arnarbælisós og var það fyrir alþingi.
Reið Gunnar
The came out quickly in (the) summer and reached Arnarbæli and were there
before (the) Althing. Gunnar rode
þegar heim frá skipi en fékk menn til að ryðja skipið og fór Kolskeggur með
honum. En
home at once from (the) ship and got men to unload the ship and K. went with
him. And
er þeir komu heim urðu menn þeim fegnir. Þeir voru blíðir við heimamenn sína
og hafði
when they came home men became happy (to see) them. They were friendly with
their servants and their arrogance had
ekki vaxið dramb þeirra.
not increased.
Gunnar spurði hvort Njáll væri heima. Honum var sagt að hann var heima. Lét
hann þá
Gunnar asked whether Njall were at home. To him was said that he was at
home. Then he had
taka hest sinn og reið til Bergþórshvols og Kolskeggur með honum. Njáll varð
his horse caught and rode to Bergthors Hill and K. (went) with him. Njall
was happy
komu þeirra og bað að þeir skyldu vera þar um nóttina. Þeir gerðu svo og
sagði Gunnar
they (genitive, but I couldn't figure out how to say it unless "(about)
their coming" but that doesn't express the past.) came and asked that they
should stay there during the night. They did so and Gunnar told
frá ferðum sínum.
about his journey.
Njáll sagði hann vera hinn mesta afreksmann "og ert þú mjög reyndur en þó
munt þú
Njall declared him to be the greatest hero "and you are very experienced but
nevertheless you will
meir síðar því að margur mun þig öfunda."
(do) more later because many will envy you."
"Við alla vildi eg gott eiga," segir Gunnar.
"With all I wished to have good." says Gunnar.
"Margt mun til verða," segir Njáll, "og munt þú jafnan eiga hendur þínar að
"Much will come to pass," says Njall, "and you will always have your hand to
wrap around?"
"Undir því væri þá," segir Gunnar, "að eg hefði málaefni góð."
"That would depend then," says Gunnar, "that I had a just case?"
"Svo mun og vera," segir Njáll, "ef þú geldur eigi annarra að."
"And so will (it) be," says Njall, "if you yield? not to another."
Njáll spurði Gunnar hvort hann mundi til þings ríða. Gunnar segir að hann
mundi ríða og
Njall asked Gunnar whether he would ride to (the) Thing. Gunnar says that
he would ride and
spyr hvort Njáll mundi ríða en hann kveðst eigi ríða mundu "og svo vildi eg
að þú gerðir."
asks whether Njall would ride but he said of himself (that) he would not
ride "and so I wished that you do (it)."
Gunnar reið þá heim og gaf Njáli góðar gjafar og þakkaði honum
Gunnar rode home then and gave Njal good gifts and thanked him for the
management of his property.
Kolskeggur bróðir hans fýsti hann að ríða til þings "mun þar vaxa sæmd þín
við því að
Kolskegg, his brother, urged him to ride to (the) Thing "there will your
honour grow because
margur mun þar að þér víkja."
many there will turn to? (or talk about) you."
"Lítt hefi eg það skap haft," segir Gunnar, "að hrósa mér en gott þykir mér
að finna góða menn."
"Little have I had it in mind, " says Gunnar, "(as) to praise to me, but it
seems good to me to meet good men."
Hallvarður var og þar kominn og bauð að ríða til þings með þeim.
Hallvard was also come there and offered to ride to (the) Thing with them.
Fred and Grace Hatton
Hawley Pa