--- In norse_course@yahoogroups.com, "AThompson" <athompso@...> wrote:
> With respect to annat sumar might one also translate this as `the
second summer', ie the the story has just described their first summer
season of raiding and now starts to describe their second season?

In theory, although if the translations we have go with "the
next/following summer", maybe that's more the natural interpretation?

Ok hinn fyrsta <dag> er hon sleikti steina, kom ór steininum at kveldi
manns hár, annan dag manns höfuð

Could be either, but since it contrasts with "first", probably "the
second day". But...

Heðinn sagði þat sitt eyrendi, at þeir reyndi með sér hug ok hreysti,
íþróttir ok alla atgervi. Högni lézk þess búinn. Ok annan dag árla
fóru þeir á sund ok í skotbakka.

"Heðinn said what he was there for: for them to test their mettle
against each other in skills and all accomplishments. Högni said he
was ready for that (he was up for that). And early the next day they
went swimming and to the butts for archery."

...ok biðr hann þetta mál bera fyrir Unni. Konungr lézt þess ófúss ok
kveðst vætta af henni illra svara sem fyrr. Annan dag eptir kallar
hann til sín dóttur sína

"...and asks him to present this suit to Unnr. The king expressed his
reluctance about this and said he expected a bad answer, as before.
The following day, he calls his daughter to him..."