From: Jamie
Message: 7388
Date: 2006-10-19
>fancy that
> Thanks LN that is precisely what I had in mind - except I rather
> dwarves are as fond of a cheese and pickle sandwich as the "Tallfolk"
> are - with a mug of ale of course.but...
> That link is a good one
> Kveðja
> Patricia
> -------Original Message-------
> From: llama_nom
> Date: 19/10/2006 06:28:36
> To:
> Subject: [norse_course] Re: I thought this would be an easy one,
> > "Please, don't give cheese to dwarfs",
> If you're talking to just one person, my guess would be:
> Ek bið (þik), at þú gefir eigi ost dvergum.
> Bið ek (þik), ...
> Literally "I ask (you), that you give not cheese to dwarfs."
> in brackets optional.) Here is is a page of search results showingreplace 'þik'
> similar examples in context. These are all from medieval texts
> although most are given here using Modern Icelandic spelling.
> pl?lemma=&ofl=&leita=1&flokkar=Fornrit&m1=bi%F0&l1=Leita&lmax=1
> If you were talking to two or more people, you would use 'gefið'
> rather than 'gefir'. These are subjunctive forms of the verb. If
> talking to two people, replace 'þik' with 'ykkr', and replace 'þú'
> with 'it' or 'þit'. If talking to more than two people,
> with 'yðr', and replace 'þú' with 'ér' or 'þér', thus:this
> DUAL, x2: Ek bið (ykkr), at (þ)it gefið eigi ost dvergum.
> PLURAL, >2: Ek bið (yðr), at (þ)ér gefið eigi ost dvergum.
> The forms 'it' and 'ér' are earlier. I'm not sure of the exact
> timing, but I think 'þit' and 'þér' took over by or during the 13th
> century.
> Another variation is:
> Þess bið ek, at...
> "For this is ask, that..."
> Ek bið þess, at...
> "I ask for this, that..."
> And another form of the negative particle 'eigi' is 'ekki'.
> Llama Nom
> --- In, "Jamie" <wyrdplace@> wrote:
> >
> > ...I have been unable to track down the ON word for "please", as
> > in "Please, don't give cheese to dwarfs", etc. NOT as in, "Does
> > please you?"online
> >
> > I've been searching through Zoega and did a word search on an
> > English translation of Njal's Saga, but I haven't been able tofind
> > it. Does anybody know what it is, just off the top of theirhead? Or
> > would it be said differently in ON?
> >
> > Jamie
> >