En eftir veisluna bauð Njáll Þórhalli Ásgrímssyni til fósturs og fór hann
til hans og var með honum lengi síðan.

And after the feast Njal offered to foster Thorhall Asgrimsson and he went with him and was there a long time

Hann unni meira Njáli en föður sínum.
Njáll kenndi honum lög svo að hann varð mestur lögmaður á Íslandi.
He loved more Njal than his father. Njall taught him law so that he was the best lawman in Iceland

28. kafli

Skip kom út í Arnarbælisós og stýrði skipinu Hallvarður hvíti, víkverskur

A ship came out (i.e. to Iceland) to the Estuary at Eagle's Bay(s)  and the captain of the ship was Hallvarðt he white a man from Vik (part of Norway)

Hann fór til vistar til Hlíðarenda og var með Gunnari um veturinn og
bað hann jafnan að hann skyldi fara utan

He went to (ask for) food and lodging (?vist) at Hliðarendi and was with Gunnar for the winter and often told him he should travel abroad

Gunnar talaði fátt um og tók á engu ólíklega.

Gunnar spoke little about it but did not take it as completely unlikely  (i.e. did not rule it out)

Og um vorið fór hann til Bergþórshvols og spurði Njál hve
ráðlegt honum þætti að hann færi utan.

But in Spring he went to  Bergthor's Knoll (?hill) and asked Njal how he advised to him that he go abroad

"Ráðlegt þykir mér það," segir Njáll, "munt þú þér þar vel koma sem þú ert."

seems to me  reasonable/advisable you will do as well there as here  (i.e. where-so-ever you are)

"Vilt þú nokkuð taka við fjárfari mínu," segir Gunnar, "meðan eg er í brautu
því að eg vil að Kolskeggur bróðir minn fari með mér en eg vildi að þú sæir
um búið meðan með móður minni."

Will you somewhat take (i.e. care) for my  property/affairs says Gunnar while I am away because I want my brother Kolskegg to travel with me and I want you and my Mother to look after (?from sja? - to see) my farm

"Ekki skal það við nema," segir Njáll, "allt skal eg styðja þig um það er þú

"That shall be not an obstacle" - (no problem!!) says Njal - all things I shall support you all you want."

"Vel mun þér fara," segir Gunnar.
"May all go well with you" says Gunnar

Ríður hann þá heim

Then he rides home.

Austmaður kom enn á tal við Gunnar að hann mundi utan fara. Gunnar spyr ef
hann hefði nokkuð siglt til annarra landa.

The Norwegian  came again to talk with Gunnar that he might go abroad.  Gunnar asked if he had travelled to other lands 

Hann kveðst siglt hafa til landa þeirra allra er voru meðal Noregs og
Garðaríkis "og svo hafi eg siglt til Bjarmalands. "

he declared (reflex) that he himself had sailed to all lands between Norway and Russia (Z) Permia may be thought of here - as Part of the Russian (then) Empire

"Vilt þú sigla með mér í Austurveg?" segir Gunnar.

"Will you sail with me to the Eastern (?) Route says Gunnar

"Það vil eg víst," segir hann.

"I certainly wish to" says he

Síðan réð Gunnar utanferð sína með honum. Njáll tók við öllu fjárfari

Afterwards Gunnar made plans to travel abroad with him. Njall took with (looked after) all Gunnars affairs/ property

29. kafli

Gunnar fór utan og Kolskeggur bróðir hans með honum.

Gunnar went abroad amd his brother Kolskegg with him

Þeir sigldu til Túnbergs og voru þar um veturinn.

They sailed to Tunsberg and were there the winter

Þá var orðið höfðingjaskipti í Noregi. Var þá dauður Haraldur gráfeldur og Gunnhildur.

Then was a change of rule/rulers in norway. Then Harald Greycloak was dead and (also) Gunnhild

Réð þá ríki Hákon jarl Sigurðarson,

Earl  Hákon Sigurdson ruled the kingdom

Hákonarsonar, Grjótgarðssonar. Móðir hans hét Bergljót og var
dóttir Þóris jarls þegjanda. Móðir hennar hét Ólöf árbót og var dóttir
Haralds hins hárfagra.

(Sigurdson) son of Hákon  - Grjotgarðs son . His (Earl Hákon's)  mother was named Bergljot and (she) was the daughter of Earl Thorir the silent.

 Her - mother was Olof Arbot (? fertile) and she  was the daughter of  Harald Fair-Hair (or is fine-hair better here )

I got very involved with all these daughters  of and sons of  and I hope that I have got it right after going back and making corrections

Where they say  Haralds hins hárfagra -  is not fine hair better because they were not all necessarily - Blond were they  - just a notion I have

I have not underlined much of most anything - I am not best pleased with it but I have spent longer on this than on any other - and am open to correction

