From: Eysteinn Bjornsson
Message: 7338
Date: 2006-10-15
> Here is my translation of `Utan Hringsins'.Faultless.
> it reminded me a little of a song by Icelandic pop groupIt did? I'm sure the pop musicians knew Steinarr's
> ÍráfarSp. írafár. Literally "Irish trouble", or "Irishmen's
> Minn skuggi féll um stund"Um stund" in combination with "féll" implies
> My shadow fell for a (time) while
> (Is this the window into your world?)The ambiguity surrounding that question is, perhaps,
> Stórir hringir (Vignir/Birgitta)Please note that the syntax is very loose, and as
> Large circles
> Geng í hringi ég veit þú finnur mig.Does not really scan as a grammatical sentence. It just
> (When I) walk in a circle, I know you (will) find me.
> Breytast í myndir ég leggst í grasiðSimilarly here - the syntax is very "sparse":
> (As they) change into (different) shapes, I lie down in the grass
> Stórir hringir og hjartalagaHeart-shaped. As in noun "lögun" (shape).
> Large circles and heart-like (heart-shaped?)
> sem síðan breytast í þig."Síðan" = simply "then, next".
> which afterwards change themselves into you
> Læt mig dreyma um líf á nýjum stað"Læt" is 1. person, so = "I let myself dream ..."
> (It) makes me dream about life in a new place