From: Eysteinn Bjornsson
Message: 7332
Date: 2006-10-14
> Þar varð illa með þeim Ásgrími"Þeim Ásgrími" means "Gaukur and Ásgrímur". --- "There was bad
> There was ill with them (can we say Bad blood between) of Asgrim
> "því að eg veit að bæði er þú vilt vel enda kannt þú vel"Vilt" is 2p singular of "vilja". Literally: "because I
> "because I know you are good (?at choice-Vildr) and
> well-intentioned
> Litlu síðar fara þeir og báðu konunnar,Asked for her hand, actually (but I'm sure you know
> A little afterwards they went and asked for the woman
> Ásgrímur var heima og tók við þeim vel"Welcomed them", "greeted them warmly".
> Asgrim was at home and took to them well
> Ásgrímur svaraði því máli vel"Mál" here is just "matter", "subject", "issue"
> Asgrim replied well to the speech
> og kvað eigi vera þá menn að hann væri fúsari viðLiterally: "and said (that) not existed those men that he
> að kaupa en þá.
> and said that none of men to be to him more willing to make a
> contract than they
> Síðan töluðu þeir um málið"Thereafter they discussed the matter ..."
> Afterwards they talked of terms
> En eftir veisluna bauð Njáll ÞórhalliBauð = offered
> And after the feast Njal asked for Thorhall
> 2. I thought they all wore beards why - one wonders was hisPerhaps it was particularly copious?
> mentioned
> 3. They seem to make a habit of naming children after agrandparent - we used to