Ásgrímur hét maður. Hann var Elliða-Grímsson, Ásgrímssonar, Öndóttssonar
(There was) a man named Asgrim he was son of Elliða-Grim (note one) the son of Asgrim the son of Ondott Crow
Móðir hans hét Jórunn og var Teitsdóttir Ketilbjarnarsonar hins gamla
frá Mosfelli.
His Mother was named Jorunn and was the daughter of Teit the son of Ketil Bjorn the Old from Mosfell
Móðir Teits var Helga dóttir Þórðar skeggja, Hrappssonar,
Bjarnarsonar bunu.
Mother of Teit was Helha daughter of Thord (the) Beard (note 2) (who was) son of Hrapp (who was) the son of Bjorn Buna
Móðir Jórunnar var Ólöf dóttir Böðvars hersis
Mother of Jorunn was Olof daughter of Hersir Bodvar (who was) son of Viking-Kari
Bróðir Ásgríms Elliða-Grímssonar hét Sigfús. Hans dóttir
var Þorgerður móðir Sigfúss, föður Sæmundar hins fróða.
Brother of Asgrim Elliða-Grimsson was named Sigfus, his daughter was Thorgerd the Mother of Sigfus (note 3) (who was ) father of Saemund the Learned

Gaukur Trandilsson var fóstbróðir Ásgríms er fræknastur maður hefir verið og
best að sér ger. Þar varð illa með þeim Ásgrími því að Ásgrímur varð
banamaður Gauks.
Gauk Trandilsson was foster-brother to Asgrim and a most valiant man and best accomplished.
There was ill with them (can we say Bad blood between) of Asgrim (note 4) with the outcome/result that Asgrim was the killer of Gauk

Ásgrímur átti tvo sonu og hét hvortveggji Þórhallur. Þeir voru báðir
efnilegir menn.
Asgrim had two sons and both were named Thorhall (twins maybe) They were bothe Promising men (Z)
Grímur hét og sonur Ásgríms en Þórhalla dóttir. Hún var
kvenna fríðust og kurteisust og vel að sér ger í öllu.
Grim was the name of (?another) son of Asgrim and Thorhalla (was a daughter) she was of women the most beautiful and most courteous (or well-mannered) and accomplished in every way (or in all ways/things)

Njáll kom að máli vil Helga son sinn og mælti: "Hugað hefi eg þér kvonfang
frændi ef þú vilt að mínu ráði gera."
Njall came to talk with (vil ? / við) Helgi his son and said "I have been thinking for you of a wife-taking/marriage if you will have my advice

"Það vil eg víst," segir hann, "því að eg veit að bæði er þú vilt vel enda
kannt þú vel eða hvar hefir þú á stofnað?"
That I will indeed (vist n.of viss) says he "because I know you are good (?at choice-Vildr) and well-intentioned or (eða) whom have you chosen (picked out)

Njáll svaraði: "Við skulum biðja dóttur Ásgríms Elliða-Grímssonar því að sá
er kostur bestur."
Njal replied "We shall ask for the Daughter of Asgrim Elliða Grimsson for she is the best choice

27. kafli

Litlu síðar fara þeir og báðu konunnar,
A little afterwards they went and asked for the woman
riðu vestur yfir Þjórsá og fóru þar
til er þeir komu í Tungu. Ásgrímur var heima og tók við þeim vel og voru þar
um nóttina.
rode west over Thjorsa (a river)  and kept on till they came to Tunga. Asgrim was at home and took to them well and they stayed the night.
 En um daginn gengu þeir á tal. Þá vakti Njáll til um bónorðið og
bað Þórhöllu til handa Helga syni sínum.
And the (following) day they went (began) to talk then Njal made the proposal/petition and asked for the hand of Thorhalla for/on-behalf of his son Helgi
Ásgrímur svaraði því máli vel og
sagði eigi þá menn vera að hann væri fúsari við að kaupa en þá.
Asgrim replied well to the speech and said that none of men to be to him more willing to make a contract than they
Síðan töluðu
þeir um málið og lauk svo að Ásgrímur festi Helga dóttur sína og var kveðið
á brúðlaupsstefnu.
Afterwards they talked of terms  and the outcome was that Asgrim pledged his daughter
and a wedding date was arranged
Gunnar var að veislu þessi og margir aðrir hinu bestu menn.
Gunnar was at this feast and many others of the best men (?leaders and people of quality)

Respectfully wish to point out that I do not believe Grace meant to miss this bit when she posted the  lesson for us
I fancy it must have slipped off in the system
En eftir veisluna bauð Njáll Þórhalli Ásgrímssyni til fósturs og fór hann til hans og var með honum lengi síðan. Hann unni meira Njáli en föður sínum. Njáll kenndi honum lög svo að hann varð mestur lögmaður á Íslandi.
And after the feast Njal asked for Thorhall Asgrimsson (which one there were two) to be his fosterson
and he was with him a long time
He loved Njal more than his father. Njal taught him Law so that he was (became) the best Lawman in Iceland
So sorry about that Grace - that will learn me mot to make suppositions - and to learn to count lines properly
My enthusiasm will be the end of me yet
Notes 1. Eliða was a kind of Ship - he supposedly owned one - perhaps a fine one
          2. I thought they all wore beards  why - one wonders was his mentioned
          3. They seem to make a habit of naming children after a grandparent - we used to
          4. Here they mention Asgrim's name - was this because it is implied that he was to blame for the split -up between them
I have not underlined much this time - I am not best pleased with it  - but have gone over it carefully and this made me later that I had anticipated