eksempler på averøy-dialekt

From: akoddsson
Message: 7300
Date: 2006-10-11

no vart e skremt (now I became afraid)(o=Ice.ú; Bokmål long o)
de(t) e rome(t) åt tausin (it is the girls' room)
de(t) e tausin sitt rom (it is the girls' room)(o same as in no)
e slo: me (I hit myself)
hann jikk i: båten (he went in the boat) - accusative
hann e om bor(d) i: båta (he is onboard the boat - dative)
kæ:re bane(t) mett (my dear child)
kann e komma hæ:m åt dokkor? (can I come home to you pl.?)
mora står på tausin (the mother stands on the girls)
penna legg på bor(d)a (the pen lies on the table) - dative
e legg penna på bor(d)e (I lay the pen on the table) - accusative
vi e inni hu:sa (we are in the houses)
vi e inni hu:s (we are in houses)
her e de(t) mang hu:s (here are many houses); 'her' fully pronounced

ei taus (a girl)
tausa (the girl)
flæ:r tause (more girls)
alle tausin (all the girls)

ei au(g) (a eye); ei=æi
au(g)o (the eye)
flæ:r au(g)o (more eyes)
alle au(g)on (all the eyes)
(o here always = Nor.å/Ice. o; au=au Sogn, etc.)
(note that the word is feminine in Nordmørsk, neut. otherwise)

et ban (a child); single n; e=short æ
bane(t) (the child)
mang bonn (many children); hard double n; o=short å/Ice.o
all bonna mi:n (all my children; w/artikle = ON o,ll bo,rnin mín))

ll = double l
nn = double n

æ:n mann (a man)
ma:n' (the man); long a
flæ:r menn (more men)
all menn' (all the men); i: menn' (in the men - definitive)
i: ma:n' (in the man); på ma:n (on the man) - dative not distinct
åt m:an' (to the man); (to the man)
de(t) e ma:n sett hu:s
de(t) e hu:se(t) åt manna (manna definite here, but ma:n' above)

e ska(l) færræ åt søster mi: (I shall to my sister) - infinitive æ
vi fer te fjells (we go to the mountain)
å færræ te by:'n (to go to town)
å ræ:s te by:en (to go to town)

'til dø:mis' not used; 'for eksempel' in Nordmørsk

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