--- "AThompson" wrote:
> Abolishing Hell would seem to me to make more sense if it's that
> to do!
Indeed. Indeed. But maybe Heaven is simply not big
> Hreinsunareldurinn, staður á milli himnaríkis og
> Purgatory (The cleansing-fire), located in between (the) Kingdom of
> Heaven (Paradise) and
"Staður" is a noun: "a place/location between ..."
> helvítis, gæti brátt verið afnuminn af kaþólsku
> Hell, could soon become taken off (abolished from) (the) Catholic
> kirkjunni.
"... af kaþólsku kirkjunni" = "by the Catholic church".
> til himna, verði breytingin gerð.
> to Heaven, would become the change made.
Or simply: "... if the change will be made."
As llamanom has pointed out, the news item was
misunderstood by the journalist - apparently it
is "limbo", not purgatory", which could get
abolished. But don't you think "hreinsunareldurinn"
is a more imposing word than "limbó"? I do. "Limbo"
sounds like one of those Latin American dances ....
Excellent translation, by the way!