>From: "Fred and Grace Hatton" <hatton@...>
>Reply-To: norse_course@yahoogroups.com
>To: <norse_course@yahoogroups.com>
>Subject: [norse_course] Njal 23 end - - Grace's translation
>Date: Fri, 29 Sep 2006 10:34:54 -0400
>Haukadals og komu s�r �ar er eigi m�tti finna �� fyrr en ri�i� v�ri a�
>Hawkdale and came themselves there where not (none) might find (them) then,
>who before were (had) ridden after them.
I'm not certain percisely how it would be better translated; but vera in the
subjunctive could give a
slightly different meaning; "who would have rode after them" (?)
>S��lar �eirra og vopn h�f�u var�veitt veri� � smi�ju svo a� �eir m�ttu
>sj�lfir �t n�. Ur�u
>Their saddles and weapons had been kept in (with the) craft wares so that
>they might get themselves out. It happened
>�v� engir menn varir vi� brautfer� �eirra.
>(that) no men anticipated their get-away.
It has been my practice that when I came across the dative �v�, especially
in a context such as this with ver�a in the plural, I would interpret it not
as a general "it is the case that...." or "there was the occurence...." type
structure but that �v� = "of this" "because of this" etc.
Literally, Ur�u = These things occurred �v� = because of it
Which would be normalized into
Because of these things
or simply
For these/this reason(s)
no men anticipated their get away.
I don't know if this is conventional or not, the interpretation seems to be
consistent with the specifically dative use of the indefinite article.
>�essa n�tt �ndver�a vakna�i H�skuldur � H�skuldsst��um og vakti upp alla
>heimamenn s�na.
>(At the) beginning of this night, Hoskuld awakened at Hoskuld's steads and
>woke up all his servants.
>"Eg vil segja y�ur draum minn," segir hann. "Eg ��ttist sj� bjarnd�ri miki�
>ganga �t �r
>"I want to tell you my dream," says he. "I thought to see a huge bear to
>out from
>h�sunum og vissi eg a� eigi fannst �essa d�rs maki og fylgdu �v� h�nar
>og vildu
>the house and I knew that I didn't like this bear's match and two cubs
>followed it and they
>�eir vel d�rinu. �a� stefndi til Hr�tssta�a og gekk �ar inn � h�sin. S��an
>vakna�i eg. N�
>wished the bear well. It made for Hrut's steads and went into the house
>there. Afterwards I awoke. Now
>vil eg spyrja y�ur hva� ��r s�u� til hins mikla manns."
>I wish to ask you what you ? of the great man?"
>Einn ma�ur svara�i honum: "�a� s� eg a� fram undan ermi hans kom eitt
>gullhla� og
>One man answered him, "I saw it that from under his sleeve cam a gold lace
>rautt kl��i en � hinni h�gri hendi haf�i hann gullhring."
>red clothing and on the right hand he had a gold ring."
>H�skuldur m�lti: "�etta er engis manns fylgja nema Gunnars fr� Hl��arenda.
>�ykist eg
>Hoskuld spoke, "This is no man's guardian spirit other than Gunnar of H.
>n� sj� allt eftir og skulum v�r n� r��a � Hr�tssta�i."
>now to see all after (it all makes sense to me now) and we shall now ride
>Hrut's steads."
>�eir gengu �t allir og f�ru � Hr�tssta�i og dr�pu � dyr en ma�ur gekk �t og
>lauk upp
>They all went out and went to Hrut's steads and knocked at (the) door and a
>man went out and unlocked
>hur�inni. �eir gengu �egar inn. Hr�tur l� � lokrekkju og spyr hverjir
>the door. They went inside at once. Hrut lay in a locking bed chamber and
>asks who were come.
>H�skuldur sag�i til s�n og spur�i hva� �ar v�ri gesta.
>Hoskuld announced himself and asked what guests were there.
>Hann svarar: "H�r er Kaupa-H��inn."
>He answered, "Merchant-Hedin is here."
>H�skuldur m�lti: "Brei�ari mun um baki� �v� a� eg get h�r veri� hafa Gunnar
>fr� Hl��arenda."
>Hoskuld spoke, "Broader will (be the) back ? because I guess Gunnar from H.
>has been here."
>"�� mun h�r sl�gleiksmunur or�i� hafa," segir Hr�tur.
>"Then will a cunning mind have been here," says Hrut.
>"Hva� er a� or�i�?" segir H�skuldur.
>"What is (has) happened?" says Hoskuld.
>"Eg sag�i honum hversu upp skyldi taka fj�rheimtuna Unnar og stefndi eg m�r
>sj�lfur en
>"I told him how (one) should take up the return of wealth of Unnar and I
>summoned myself and
>hann stefndi eftir. Og mun hann �ann hafa m�latilb�na�inn og er s� r�ttur."
>he summoned after. And he will then have preparation of the lawsuit and
>is correct."
>"Mikill er viskumunur or�inn," segir H�skuldur, "og mun eigi Gunnar einn
>hafa um
>"Great is ?? happened," says Hoskuld, " and Gunnar will not have (made up
>the) plan alone.
>r��i�. Nj�ll mun �essi r�� hafa til lagi� �v� a� engi er hans maki a�
>Njal will have contributed to this plan because none is his match (as) to
>�eir leita n� H��ins og er hann allur � brautu. �eir s�fnu�u li�i og
>�eirra �rj� daga
>They search now for Hedin and he is all away. They gathered a throng and
>searched for them three days
> og �rj�r n�tur og fundu �� eigi.
>and three nights and didn't find (them) then.
>Gunnar rei� su�ur af fjallinu til Haukadals og fyrir austan skar� og nor�ur
>Gunnar rode south from the fells to Hawkdale and east of (the) notch and
>north to
>Holtav�r�uhei�ar og l�tti eigi fyrr en hann kom heim. Hann fann Nj�l og
>sag�i honum a�
>Wood ? heath and didn't stop before when he came home. He met Njal and
>him that
>vel haf�i duga� r��i�.
>(what he) had planned helped well.
>Fred and Grace Hatton
>Hawley Pa
>A Norse funny farm, overrun by smart people.
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