--- "llama_nom" wrote:
> auðs nema út vilir greiða
> ölr mund refils grundar.
> unless, alder of wealth of Refil's field (man = Hrut),
> you want to pay up the groom's contribution.
> I'm a bit unsure about the end. If 'refils grund' is the sea ...
Not quite - I think we must read:
"nema vilir, auðs ölr, greiða út mund refils grundar"
i.e. 'unless, alder of wealth (man), you are willing
to pay up the 'mundr' of the ground of tapestry (woman).'
"Mundr" is the price the groom pays for the bride, as
opposed to "heimanfylgja" (dowry). I don't know what
the English term would be. A "refill" was a sort of
tapestry or wall-hanging, often embroidered (by women).
"Grund" (a synonym of jörð "earth") was very common as
a base-word in woman-kennings.