llama_nom wrote:
> Is it common to leave off the 2nd sg. ending -t in
> manuscripts of this time -- 'drap þú' as opposed to 'drapt þú' /
> 'draptu' -- and would that only be done when the pronoun follows
> immediately after the verb?
Eysteinn wrote:
> I wouldn't say common, but it does happen, and only, as you
guessed, before the pronoun -- drapt þú > drap þú = drap-tu.
> Similarly the 2nd pl. ending -ð is occasionally dropped before
prons. þit, þér -- drápu þér (for drápuð þér). I think you can
find frequent examples of this, e.g. in the mss. of Gylfaginning.
Thanks. Yes, I've met it in the 2nd plural, and also the 1st pl.,
drápu vér, drápu vit. Gordon mentions this phenomenon (para. 119).
But I hadn't seen it (or noticed it) in the 2nd sg. till now.