<<'spyrja eftir' "to ask, enquire" (rather than "ask afterwards") .
<<Compare English expressions like "ask after", "seek after". 'mun'
<<often = "will be".
I was struck by the similarity in so many of the words of O/N to our words - mostly the colloquial sort of phrase - just as if the old forms of speech still survive - notably the ones you have mentioned but could we include "look after" + "yourself" and also "take after" - in that a relationship of blood suggests the person usually the young "takes-after" the Elder
There are so many of these incidences IMnsHO, I think I'll turn off the TV and open CV instead

----- Original Message -----
From: llama_nom
To: norse_course@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Saturday, September 16, 2006 4:16 PM
Subject: [norse_course] Re: Njal 21 + part of 22 / Alan's Translation

> Njáll svaraði: "Margir eru þess (P, genitive) vinir mínir (P, G, nom
pl goes together with margir – seems to be lots of these complicated
constructions for the subject in this text), maklegir að eg leggi til
það sem

> Njál answered: My many fiends are deserving of that, that I proffer
that which

Or maybe: "There are many friends of mine deserving of that..." MM &
HP: "I have many friends who deserve good advice from me."

> slota hatt þinn (pull it down over his ears or something else?)

Presumably it's to hang down to hide his face, and thereby his identity.

> Þá mun eftir spurt
> Then (it) afterwards (be) asked

'spyrja eftir' "to ask, enquire" (rather than "ask afterwards") .
Compare English expressions like "ask after", "seek after". 'mun'
often = "will be".

> rekur aftur kaup sín oftlega og flýgur á menn

MM & HP: "is apt to cancel a sale and assault people"