While I was working on the
translation - I could not help but notice the CSI had the imagined Person as
Huckster and MM&HP had Hawker - noticing Grace's Bargain Heðinn - nice one
- so I naturally decided differently and made him Trader
Þora mun eg," segir hann, "að heimta fé þetta en eigi veit eg hversu
skal taka málið."
"I will dare" says he "to claim this money but I
know not how to take up the case
Hún svaraði: "Far þú og finn Njál
að Bergþórshvoli. Hann mun ráðin kunna til
að leggja. Er hann og vinur þinn
She replied " Go you and meet (Imp) Njall at Bergthor's
Knoll he will understand and/how to - advise. He is also a good
friend of yours (singular - thine)
"Von er mér að hann ráði mér
heilt sem öllum öðrum," segir hann.
"I know he will advise me as
well as (he does) all others" says he
Svo lauk með þeim að Gunnar
tók við málinu en fékk henni fé til bús síns sem
hún þurfti og fór hún heim
It finished with them that Gunnar took up with the case
and he gave her money.for her
housekeeping, as much as she needed and then she went
Gunnar ríður nú að finna Njál og tók hann við honum vel og
gengu þegar á
Gunnar rode now to see Njall (who) received him well
and they went at once to talk
Gunnar mælti: "Heilræði er eg kominn
að sækja að þér."
Gunnar spoke ""Good Counsel do I come to seek from
Njáll svaraði: "Margir eru þess vinir mínir maklegir að eg
leggi til það sem
heilt er en ætla eg að eg leggi mesta stund á við
Njall replied "Many are
these friends of mine (who are) worthy that I undertake the same (for them) as
well but I untend to take greatest pains with you
Gunnar mælti: "Eg vil gera þér kunnigt að eg hefi tekið fjárheimtu af Unni
Gunnar said "I want to tell you (make you know)
that I have taken up the case to claim back Unna's property/wealth from
"Það er mikið vandamál," segir Njáll, "og mikil hætta hversu fer.
"That is a great and difficult case says Njall and
it could have dangerous consequences (MM&HP)
En þó mun eg til leggja með þér það er mér þykir vænst og mun það endast ef
þú bregður
hvergi af en líf þitt er í hættu ef þú gerir eigi svo."
But nevertheless I will set up what seems
a promising plan and it will work if you do not deviate (from it) but your
life will be in danger if you do (CSI) (so break from
.. Got stuck there - didn't I
"Hvergi skal eg af bregða," segir Gunnar.
"Nowhere shall I deviate " says Gunnar
Þá þagði Njáll nokkura stund og mælti síðan: "Hugsað hefi eg málið og
það duga."
Then Njall was quiet for a time then he spoke "I
have considered the case and it will serve
"Nú skalt þú ríða heiman við hinn þriðja mann.
"Now shall you ride as Third Man (along of two
Skalt þú hafa voskufl ystan klæða og undir söluvoðarkyrtil mórendan.
Þar skalt þú hafa undir hin góðu klæði þín og taparöxi í hendi.
"You must have (be wearing) rough outer garments
(cloak) and underneath striped homespun (CSI)
there shall you have underneath (all that) your
good clothes and a small axe to hand (small one-handed weapon)
Tvo hesta skal hafa hver yðvar, aðra feita en
aðra magra. Þú skalt hafa
héðan smíði.
"Two horses shall you /must you - have each, one
fat and the other lean, You shall have from here some craft-work
Þér skuluð ríða þegar á morgun og er
þér komið yfir Hvítá vestur
þá skalt þú láta slota hatt þinn mjög.
You should start riding early tomorrow morning and when
you cross (the) Hvita (a river) then you must pull your hat/hood well down
(across the face)
Þá mun eftir spurt hver sá sé hinn mikli maður.
Then may (some) ask after you - who is this great
Förunautar þínir skulu segja að þar sé Kaupa-Héðinn hinn mikli, eyfirskur
og fari með smíði.
Then your travelling companions must say there is
Trader-Heðinn the great, a man from Eyjafjordd - he is travelling with his
Hann er maður skapillur og margmæltur, þykist einn vita allt.
He is a bad tempered man, great talker (loud-mouth) a
Hann rekur aftur kaup sín oftlega og flýgur á menn þegar er eigi er
svo gert sem hann vill.
"He breaks (reneges on) his deals (goes
back on them) and assaults people (MM&HP)
If things go not as he wishes
Þú skalt ríða vestur til Borgarfjarðar og láta þá falt hvarvetna
smíðið og reka
aftur kaupin mjög.
You shall (then ) ride west to Borgafjords and offer
your crafts for sale everywhere but go back on the bargains (on the agreements)
Þá mun sá orðrómur á leggjast að Kaupa-Héðinn sé manna
viðfangs og síst sé logið frá honum.
"Then may be said rumours (the rumours
will spread) that Trader-Heðinn is the worst (Trader)
to deal with and it is no lie (what is
Whew - that one was a hard row to hoe , but for all
that it was a good one for learning I have noticed that the supplements
(especially CV are not to be ignored - smiði - crafted items probably roughly
hewn for the purpose of the set-up
Please help some one - any one - I have
underlined a lot but am nearly confident