From: Petr Hrubis
Message: 7056
Date: 2006-09-12
--- In, "naddr_risi" <emironen@...> wrote:
> "llama_nom" wrote:
> >> höfða-fjöl, f. "head-board, board against which the steersman rests
> >> his head or back" (Turville-Petre).
> > Some more examples:
> Thank you for your opinion, llama-nom, although I am not 100%
> satisfied.
Anything in particular?
> I wonder why my posts experience that long delay before being seen.
> Also some of them seem to be dropped out. Is there a kind a sensorship
> in this society and if so, what are the principles ?
I had some problems when I first signed up to Yahoo Groups, so I know
how frustrating that is, but I haven't had any trouble recently; my
posts may take a little while to appear, but they usually get through
eventually. I've heard of people having similar trouble with other
groups of long delays--e.g. several days--but I haven't experienced
that here. I'm not really sure how these things work or what might be
causing it. Would it be possible for you to email me the messages you
tried to send that went missing, if you still have a copy? I'd be
interested to know what your wrote.
Llama Nom
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