----- Original Message -----From: AThompsonSent: Saturday, September 09, 2006 5:23 AMSubject: RE: [norse_course] Njal 19 / Alan's Translation
Here´s my translation. I would appreciate any comments on underlined text. I hope my translation is of some use to others . I have italicised bits which address questions raised by Grace (G) or Patricia ´s (P) translations.
19. kafli
Chapter 19
Gunnar hét maður. Hann var frændi Unnar. Rannveig hét móður hans og var
(There) was a person named Gunnar. He was a kinsman of Unn. His mother was named Rannveig and was
Sigfúsdóttir Sighvatssonar hins rauða. Hann var veginn við Sandhólaferju.
(the) daughter of Sigfús, son of Sighvat the Red. He was slain at Sandhólaferja.
Faðir Gunnars hét Hámundur og var sonur Gunnars Baugssonar. Við þann er
Gunnars father was named Hámund and was (the) son of Gunnar Baug´s-son. Gunnars-Holt is
kennt Gunnarsholt (P, missing). Móðir Hámundar hét Hrafnhildur. Hún var Stórólfsdóttir
named after that (Gunnar). Hámund´s mother was named Hrafnhild. She was (the) daughter of Stórólf
Hængssonar. Stórólfur var bróðir Hrafns lögsögumanns. Sonur Stórólfs var
Hængs-son. Stórólf was (the) brother of Hrafn (the) law-speaker. Stórólfs son was
Ormur hinn sterki.
Orm the Strong.
Gunnar Hámundarson bjó að Hlíðarenda í Fljótshlíð. Hann var mikill maður
Gunnar Hámundarson lived at Hliðarendi in Fljótshlíð. He was a large man
vexti (P, dative) og sterkur og allra manna best vígur. Hann hjó báðum höndum og skaut (P, missing)
in growth (stature) and strong and (the) best skilled-in-arms of all men. He hewed with both hands, and shot,
ef hann vildi og hann vó (P, vega)svo skjótt með sverði að þrjú þóttu á lofti að sjá (G, play with word-order).
if he wanted and he smote so quickly with a sword that (one) seemed to see three (swords) in (the) air (at once).
Hann skaut manna best af boga og hæfði (G, hoefa not hafa) allt það er hann skaut til. Hann
He shot from a bow the best of men and hit all that which he shot at. He
hljóp meir en hæð sína með öllum herklæðum og eigi skemmra (P, not shorter) aftur en fram (G, forward)
leapt more (further) than his (own) height with full battle-dress (on) and not shorter backward than forward
fyrir sig. Hann var syndur (P, adj) sem selur. Og eigi var sá leikur að nokkur þyrfti
in front of himself. He was able-to-swim like a seal. And (there) was not that game (That sport did not exist) that anyone had-need (felt the need)
við hann að keppa (P)og hefir svo verið sagt að engi væri hans jafningi. Hann
to contend with him (ie because it would be useless to try) and (it) has been so said that none were his equal (match). He
var vænn að yfirliti og ljóslitaður (P), rétt nefið og hafið (G, noun,I belive but definitely not hafa) upp í framanvert (P),
was beautiful in appearance and fair-complexioned, the nose straight and the lifting (upturn?) up on (the) foremost (bit, ie the tip) (ie slightly upturned?),
bláeygur og snareygur og rjóður í kinnum (G, cheeks not chin), hárið mikið, gult, og fór vel.
blue (black)-eyed and keen-eyed and rosy on the cheeks, the hair abundant, yellow (golden), and (it) fared well (easy to manage?)
Manna var hann kurteisastur, harðger í öllu, ráðhollur og góðgjarn, mildur
He was (the) most well-bred of men, hardy in everything, giving-good- advice and eager-to-do- good (benevolent) , gentle
og stilltur vel, vinfastur og vinavandur (P, vina, gen pl friends, vandr, particular about). Hann var vel auðigur að fé.
and well composed, firm-as-friend and selective-of- friends. He was wealthy in property.
Bróðir hans hét Kolskeggur. Hann var mikill maður og sterkur, drengur góður
His brother was named Kolskegg. He was a large man and strong, a good warrior
og öruggur (G) í öllu. Annar bróðir hans hét Hjörtur. Hann var þá í barnæsku.
and completely fearless. His other brother was named Hjört. He was then in (his) childhood.
Ormur skógarnef var bróðir Gunnars laungetinn og er hann ekki við þessa
Orm Woodside was Gunnars natural brother (ie illegitemate) and he is not in this
sögu. Arngunnur hét systir Gunnars. Hana átti Hróar Tungugoði sonur Una hins
story. Gunnars sister was named Arngunn. Hróa (the) priest at Tongue (a place), married her; (he was the) son of Uni the
óborna Garðarssonar. Sá fann Ísland. Sonur Arngunnar var Hámundur halti er
un-born, Garðs-son. That-one (he) discovered Iceland. (The) son of Arngunn was Hámund (the) limper who
bjó á Hámundarstöðum.
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