Thanks Grace - it arrived early on Friday morning - Patricia Time ( they should change the name of the time zone for me)
19. kafli
19th Chapter

Gunnar hét maður. Hann var frændi Unnar. Rannveig hét móður hans og var
Sigfúsdóttir Sighvatssonar hins rauða. Hann var veginn við Sandhólaferju.
(there was) A man named Gunnar he was kin to Unn. His Mother was named Rannveig and she was the daughter of Sigfus the son of  Sighvat the red he (Sighvat) was killed at the Sandholar Ferry

Faðir Gunnars hét Hámundur og var sonur Gunnars Baugssonar. Við þann er
kennt Gunnarsholt. Móðir Hámundar hét Hrafnhildur. Hún var Stórólfsdóttir
Hængssonar. Stórólfur var bróðir Hrafns lögsögumanns. Sonur Stórólfs var
Ormur hinn sterki.
Gunnar's Father was named Hamund (the) mother of Hamund was named Hrafnhild she was the daughter of Storolf Haengsson. Storolf was the brother of Hrafn the Law Speaker, Storolf's son was Orm the strong

Gunnar Hámundarson bjó að Hlíðarenda í Fljótshlíð. Hann var mikill maður
vexti og sterkur og allra manna best vígur.
Gunnar Hamundarson lived at Hlidarenda in Fljotshlid (High edge in Highlake) he was a big man  Well made and strong and of all men the best fighter
Hann hjó báðum höndum og skaut
ef hann vildi og hann vó svo skjótt með sverði að þrjú þóttu á lofti að sjá.
Hann skaut manna best af boga og hæfði allt það er hann skaut til.
He could slice/cut with either hand (use a weapon) if he wished and he was so swift also with  a sword that three seemed in the air (at one time). He could shoot of men the best with a bow and hit all that he aimed at.
Hann hljóp meir en hæð sína með öllum herklæðum og eigi skemmra aftur en fram
fyrir sig.
He could jump more than his own height with all his armour (combat  kit)
and just as far back as forwards
Hann var syndur sem selur.
He swam like a seal
 Og eigi var sá leikur að nokkur þyrfti
við hann að keppa og hefir svo verið sagt að engi væri hans jafningi.
And there was no game/sport where one could contend with him  and it was said that no man could be his equal
Hann var vænn að yfirliti og ljóslitaður, rétt nefið og hafið upp í framanvert,
bláeygur og snareygur og rjóður í kinnum, hárið mikið, gult, og fór vel.
He was handsome in personal appearance (CV) light colored (?? fair-skinned) and had a straight nose that turned up at the tip  He was blue eyed and keen eyed and ruddy-cheeked - his hair was thick - blond and well combed

Manna var hann kurteisastur, harðger í öllu, ráðhollur og góðgjarn, mildur
og stilltur vel, vinfastur og vinavandur. Hann var vel auðigur að fé.
He was very courteous - firm in all ways  generous and well tempered/well behaved
mild and well controlled - a firm friend and (vin-a-vandr) a friend hard to know (?? discriminating)
He was well off for possessions/property

Bróðir hans hét Kolskeggur. Hann var mikill maður og sterkur, drengur góður
og öruggur í öllu.
Hisbrother was named Kolskegg, he was a big man and strong, a good-hearted man(Z) amd fearless in all things
Annar bróðir hans hét Hjörtur. Hann var þá í barnæsku.
Another brother of his was named Hjort. He was then in his childhood
Ormur skógarnef var bróðir Gunnars laungetinn og er hann ekki við þessa sögu.
Orm Skogarnef (from the outskirts of a wood) was an illegitimate brother of Gunnar and he is not in this Saga
Arngunnur hét systir Gunnars. Hana átti Hróar Tungugoði sonur Una hins
óborna Garðarssonar. Sá fann Ísland.
Arngunn was the name of Gunnar's sister she was married to Hroar the Goði of Tungu, the son of Uni the unborn the son of Gardar   (Sa) He it was who discovered Iceland. 
Sonur Arngunnar var Hámundur halti er
bjó á Hámundarstöðum.
The son of Arngunn was Hamund the lame and he lived at Hamunds Stands
Vinavandr - I found when I split it up - if it does mean he is hard to know - I thought discrimimating might be the best translation
I am at a loss as to how you can call someone "the unborn" (Z)
unless of course his mother wove him upon a loom or knitted him