Belated greetings, Ingeborg!

If you're still interested, here are a couple of possibilities which
hopefully aren't too wide of the mark.

> 1. Many are the gods, and many are their holy places in all the
lands of Midgard.

1. Mörg eru goð, ok margir eru helgir staðir þeira í öllum löndum þeim
er í Miðgarði eru.

> 2. For us [more than two] all of Sweden is a sacred enclosure [_vé_].

2. Oss er öll Svíþjóð vé.
2. Oss er allt Svíaveldi vé.

Alternatively in the first sentence, you could maybe have 'mörg eru
hof' or 'mörg eru vé' or 'margir eru hergir'.


--- In, "Ingeborg S. Nordén"
<runelady@...> wrote:
> Greetings, everyone!
> Although I have studied two years of Old Norse in college, my
grammar and vocabulary have gotten very rusty since then. Is anybody
here willing to translate the following two sentences into Old Norse,
please? (I apologize for their religious content, by the way: I
emphatically don't intend to preach here, but only to gain information.)
> 1. Many are the gods, and many are their holy places in all the
lands of Midgard.
> 2. For us [more than two] all of Sweden is a sacred enclosure [_vé_].
> Many thanks for your help, and keep up the good work!
> ----
> Ingeborg S. Nordén
> (runelady@...)
> Ek Ingwibergô stabaz fahiðô