This seemed slower - but none-the-less enjoyable and CV is teaching me how to use it better - does anyone else talk to a Dictionary

16. kafli

Það var eitthvert haust að heimtur voru illar á fé manna og var Glúmi vant
margra geldinga.

There was one particular Autumn (when) bringing home people's sheep from summer pastures (Z) it was bad (a rough time) and Glum was short of many/several wethers

Þá mælti Glúmur við Þjóstólf: "Gakk þú á fjall með húskörlum mínum og vitið
ef þér finnið nokkuð af sauðum."

Then spoke Glum to Thjostolf "Go (imp) to the fells with my housecarles and see if you can find some/a few sheep"

"Ekki eru mér fjárleitir hentar," sagði Þjóstólfur, "enda er það ærið eitt
til að eg vil eigi ganga í spor þrælum þínum. Og far þú sjálfur og mun eg þá
fara með þér."

"It is not my job to search unsuited (beneath his standing) said Thjostolf "besides/moreover (aerið) not going in the footsteps of your slaves (thralls) But go yourself and I will go with you

Þetta varð þeim að orðum mjög.

This was to them many words (an argument)

Hallgerður sat úti og var á veður gott.

Hallgerð was sat outside - the weather was fine

Glúmur gekk að henni og mælti: "Illt höfum við Þjóstólfur nú saman átt og
munum við skamma stund saman búa" og sagði henni allt það er þeir höfðu við
Glum went to her and spoke "Bad have I had (disagreement) with Thjostolf now together and it will not be long  we may live together" He told to her everything that was said

Hallgerður mælti þá eftir Þjóstólfi og varð þeim þá mjög að orðum.

Hallgerð spoke then after (as on behalf of) Thjostolf and they had meny words

Glúmur drap til hennar hendi sinni og mælti: "Ekki deili eg við þig lengur"
og gekk síðan í braut.

Glum (struck her with his hand) slapped her and said I am not to dispute with you any longer

and he then went away

Hún unni honum mikið og mátti eigi stilla sig og grét

She loved him greatly / dearly and could not be calm and wept very loudly

Þjóstólfur gekk að henni og mælti: "Sárt ert þú leikin og skyldi eigi svo

Thjostolf went to her and said £you have been badly treated (Z) but shall not be again

"Ekki skalt þú þessa hefna," segir hún, "og engan hlut í eiga hversu sem með
okkur fer."

"You shall not avenge this " says she " anything to do with what is between us two"

Hann gekk í braut og glotti við.

He went away (went out) grinning (? gloating - is this glotti where we get our gloat from)

17. kafli

Glúmur kvaddi menn til ferðar með sér og bjóst Þjóstólfur með Glúmi.

Glum called (his) men together to go out with him and Thjostolf also got himself ready to go with Glum

fóru upp Reykjardal hinn syðra og upp hjá Baugagili og upp til Þverfells

They went up South Reykjardal and up along Baugagili as far as Thverfells

og skipta þar liðinu og fóru sumir í Skorradalsleit en suma sendi hann suður
til Súlna og fundu þeir allir fjölda fjár.

They divided there the troop  - some to Skorradale and some he sent south to Sulna and they all found a great many (CV multitude) (fjar = money so were they valuable) sheep

Svo kom að þeir voru tveir sér, Glúmur og Þjóstólfur.

So thus it came about that  they two were together (alone) Glum and Thjostolf

Þeir gengu suður frá Þverfelli og fundu þar sauði
skjarra og eltu sunnan að fjallinu.

They went south from Thverfell and found there some sheep that shied away from them up to the fells

Komust sauðirnir upp á fjallið fyrir þeim.

They pursued the sheep but they ran away    ( I got lost here like the blessed sheep - it's Thjostolf's fault he scares people)

Ámælti þá hvor þeirra öðrum og mælti Þjóstólfur við Glúm að hann mundi
til engis hafa afla annars en brölta á maga Hallgerði.

They blamed eath other for it   and Thjostolf said to Glum that he had  not strength for anything but tumbling about  (Z) on Halgerð's belly

Glúmur mælti: "Án er illt gengi nema heiman hafi. Eg skal taka hæðiyrði af
þér þar sem þú ert þræll fastur á fótum."

Glum said "Ill luck is Home-bred" (CV- it sounds proverbial )

I must take taunts  from you  thou who art a slave whose feet are bound (CV) or should that be ?must I?

When they say specifically that Glum struck her with his hand - does this seem to mean that he could have "reasonably" used a stick - does any one know of any links books or what ever that relate to the customs of the times (O Tempora O mores)  it is beginning to fascinate



Help/advice with text esp. underlined bits -  would be welcome please