Hi there LLama,
Nice IQ-Book : Orð'aBók Arn'ar Og ÖrlYgs; lot of experts involved.
"React" behaves lot like "bregða á ráð e-s" or just to say "Bregðast við".
Rections are also "Viðbrögð".
Maze or labyrinth "NautHeimsk" one way out is up or remove the thatch.
Way out is also in Icelandic "ráð". þ[ink]ráð.
Ariadne or Libera see Libro or "vog" and "vega " or measure as veg'a gives "veg" out.
"eg" next in time becomes "egð" and "egða" [mér] "Hint" "hegða mér" EM bR : egða > Bregða
From the divine root of the words the vowels we understand as well How
"Regða" as reacting variously is indicated by "B" We have Bregða.
B indicates varios meanings. As B/V in Old/New Greek and B/V in Latin Spanish.
The four Capitals {F,V,P,B} or the five miniscules {ef,eff,eb,ebb,epp} are dedicated to variety or just "Val" .
Thanks B Uoden. ON-Amateur.
Some use W instead of V.
Sumir bregða á það ráð or react in that way.
If I recall rightly the authors of the Sagas were experts in Latin, Greek and even Hebrew like
Þórodd the runic master.
L'elefante (Italian) is spelled as it sound by constant Icelandic vowels as
L'ilifanti. "Mér brá" or "var brugðið".
--- In norse_course@yahoogroups.com, "llama_nom" <600cell@...> wrote:
> > ef þér er lítið um
> > if (there) is little (inclination) to you concerning (it)
> Yes, I think that's right. Magnús Magnússon and Hermann Pálsson, "if
> you are opposed to it."
> > Glúmur svaraði vel og brá þó á sitt ráð.
> > Glúm answered well and moved-quickly nevertheless on his
> resolved-action.
> CV, "Glum gave a gentle answer, but went on in his own way." [
> http://lexicon.ff.cuni.cz/png/oi_cleasbyvigfusson/b0078.png ].
> MM & HP, "...did not alter his decision."