Hi there llama,

Und'ar'legt: reads as strange.
Und'ur'sam'legt: reads as wonderful.
Und'ur-ist or as I und'rist> I will Wonder.
So Undr'un the (action se un'a við) is Surprise.
And Und'ur and undr'ið (You wonder or the wonder) from
undra to Wonder.

Those friends You are referring to, I was not talking
about them,. I was discussing the abstract meaning of
Und'ir as it is explained in the Tongue it self:
Malorie or I wish that the Measure-able tongue

The author is as his descendant impartial in choosing
nouns: "Und'ur" is very impartial itself.
The sorcerer's followers, I reckon they see this as

But I focus on word's meaning-span more than the only
one right conclusion to be driven from its reader in

Thanks Uoden ON-Norse Amateur [No twister]

(p42,56 SN.II) define: m(n),er, ar, ur,ra, us: as
principal suffixes frequently noted by one glyph in

ennndsk See eck=ekk (only one k in combinations) is
gutt'ur'al sound and Lok-hljóð closing sound that
takes hiatus: silent-gap [egh-inn-youngs go:
egh(ec)[G]-eg(ek)[K]> egg or ekk ].

Nobody denies that "-ur" is exceptionally marking stam
of nouns in nominative if something else than Male
I took it for granted as the Sn-Edda. demonstrates
full ur-syllable only when there is a female noun in

"ur" and "ur" came first out in runes as conclusions
driven from stem. "ur" or "ur" ar(e) as p:er's p:ar
H:er(army): or, ir, ör, ar, er, ur. Logical yes but as
R rational "agnir" undir R or R'(s)agnir=Ragnir.
She is "Rök" or wet is more lovely.
I stay loyal to the native medieval experts of their
own tongue. Practice makes perfect.
IN British "er" and "or" are frequent suffixes:
ir, ar, ur in Icelandic. "ör" in British sounds in

Icelandic consonant co-spellings and their meanings I
say are basics. Expert with no basic knowlegde is he
reliable. Translate: ið, an, ur, ar, ir, er, umm, amb
to be taken seriously.

"Somthing like" does not mean "same as" as you pointed
out. the e/i problem goes back to Plato,
The vowel sounds have always been well defined in
Icelandic: As they are the roots(morphems) of all
other messages by letters or words. See The "FjörEgg"
At least to Her our Earth Mother.

I speak Icelandic Perfectly: Thanks my mothers and my

I respect the work of those that handed to me my
current Icelandic-Icelandic Dictionary. It confirms my
understanding of my tongue. Modern Icelanders are very
well prepared for reading Njála. As it has not been
put under for more than century now.
The rhetoric of the "sagas" is partially not in
fashion as the spelling in manuscript. The tongue is
the same. Do not confuse that with the fact that we
are towners not "educated" farmers as before.

--- llama_nom <600cell@...> wrote:

> --- In norse_course@yahoogroups.com, "Blanc Voden"
> <uoden@...> wrote:
> > Is it not wonderful to face newborn?
> Do you mean, "Is it wonderful to look at (the face
> of) a newborn
> child"? Maybe. Is it "wonderful" to get caught in
> a magic fog and
> have your friends drown in a bog? Maybe not so
> much.
> > Some say still that it is both wonderful and
> strange?
> > "Under and strange" are as "Day and Night".
> > Nothing archaic about that. Period.
> "Day and night" might be considered opposites. This
> is hardly the
> case with "wonderful and strange" which are used as
> synonyms or near
> synonyms in this set expression. But your use of
> the word "period"
> suggests that you don't want discuss this matter
> further. So why post
> this message on a public discussion forum?
> > We say Somthing like [SEi:th. Y:r] according to
> " X-SAMPA".
> But in the X-SAMPA phonetic alphabet, [t] and [h]
> stand for separate
> sounds. You don't pronounce the middle consonant of
> this word with a
> [t] followed by a [h], do you? X-SAMPA [D] is the
> correct symbol.
> Please take a closer look at the page I recommended
> [
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X-SAMPA ]. It might
> also be helpful to
> read up on some of the principles underlying
> phonetic notation in
> general [
> ].
> > Þor(d)n is like in Ma'tthew [South London at
> Least)
> I guess you meant to type "at least EXCEPT in South
> London"?!
> > The main question is:
> >
> > Is enndskr a syllable? (Can it be uttered with
> single imulse of air?)
> >
> > If so can some tell me where I can obtain an
> audible sample, please.
> See line 5, MnIc. áður, ON áðr.
> See line 8, MnIc. mögur, ON mögr.
> Apart from the spelling, we can tell that this
> ending was formerly
> nonsyllabic from the positions in which such words
> appear in Old Norse
> verse, and the positions in which they are unable to
> occur. More
> evidence comes from the assimilations which /r/
> underwent when it
> occured immediately after certain sounds, e.g. *vísr
> > víss (in Modern
> Icelandic > vís). There was no such assimilation in
> the syllabic
> ending -ur of the nom/acc plural of weak feminine
> nouns, e.g. vísur.
> The evidence is very solid and plentiful; I know of
> no serious scholar
> who rejects it.
> > IF Our earth is like Head would it not be nice to
> give her small cover.
> What a lovely thought.
> Llama Nom

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