fengsöm I saw this as wasteful - in fact I thought they were being very critical of Hallgerð
til alls því bæði  this struck me as - till all of both - like she is saying - we are low enough already do not wait till we are on starvation rations
Ekki fer eg    I saw this as similar to (?) far - so that she was saying it is a small thing - or else not her worry - that her new husband and her father-in-law starved themselves (in her estimation) - in this she is coming over as spoilt and brattish, which I guess was why she was slapped.
I have seen this (something like) and walked out before the fight started (discretion being the better part of Valour)
so much of this to my mind strikes me as a necessity of several dictionaries (no such thing as too many books)
I hope I have helped - and thanks for all the help you have been Alan
----- Original Message -----
From: AThompson
To: norse_course@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, July 26, 2006 12:09 PM
Subject: RE: [norse_course] Njal end of chapter 10 beginning of chapter 11

Here’s my translation. Comments on underlined text appreciated. I hope my translation is of use to others.



Nú koma menn til veislunnar og sat Hallgerður á palli og var brúðurin allkát

Now people come to the banquet and Hallgerð sat on (the) dais and the bride was very merry

og gekk Þjóstólfur jafnan til tals við hana en stundum talar hann við Svan

and Þjólstólf went constantly into conversation with her but sometimes he speaks with Svan

og fannst mönnum mikið um tal þeirra. Veislan fór vel fram. Höskuldur leysti

and men noticed greatly their conversation. The banquet went forward (proceeded) well. Höskuld paid

út fé Hallgerðar með hinum besta greiðskap.

out (the) money forHallgerð with the utmost readiness.

Síðan mælti hann til Hrúts: "Skal eg nokkurar gjafar fram leggja?"

Afterwards he spoke to Hrút: ’Shall I put forward (offer) some gifts?’

Hrútur svaraði: "Kostur mun þér af tómi að eyða fé þínu fyrir Hallgerði og

Hrút answered: ’Opportunity will (arise) for you, at (your) leisure, (ie by and by) to squander your money for Hallgerð(´s sake) and (so)

lát hér stað nema."

cause here (and now) to put a stop (to it) (ie don´t leggja fram now)

11. kafli

Chapter 11

Þorvaldur reið heim frá boðinu og kona hans með honum og Þjóstólfur. Hann

Þorvald rode home from the wedding-feast and his wife with him and Þjóstólf. He

fylgdi hesti Hallgerðar og töluðu þau jafnan.

accompanied Hallgerð´s horse and they spoke constantly (obviously Hallgerð and not the horse – the grammar tells you that!)

Ósvífur veik að syni sínum og mælti: "Unir þú vel ráðinu eða hversu fór tal

Ósvíf turned to his son and spoke: ’Are you content with (your) lot or how went (the) conversation

með ykkur?"

between you?’

"Vel," segir hann, "alla blíðu lét hún uppi við mig og mátt þú sjá mót á er

’Well,’ he says, ’she yielded up (showed) all friendliness towards me and you may see evidence of (it) when

hún hlær við hvert orð."

she laughs with each word.’

"Eigi ætla eg hlátur hennar jafngóðan sem þú," segir Ósvífur, "en það mun þó

’I do not interpret her laughter equally good as you,’ says Ósvíf, ‘but that will yet

síðar reynast."

be proved (tested) later.’

Þau ríða þar til er þau koma heim. Um kveldið sat hún hjá bónda sínum og

They ride until they come home. During the evening, she sat beside her husband and

skipaði Þjóstólfi hið næsta sér innar frá. Fátt áttust þeir við Þjóstólfur

arranged for Þjóstólf (to be) the nearest to herself further-inside from (herself). They, Þjóstólf and Þorvald, had few dealings with each other

og Þorvaldur og varð þeim fátt að orðum og fór svo fram um veturinn.

and little resulted between them in (the way of) words and it went so forward during the winter.

Hallgerður var fengsöm og stórlynd enda kallaði hún til alls þess er aðrir

Hallgerð was making-large- provision and magnanamous and moreover she laid-claim to all that which others

áttu í nánd og hafði allt í sukki. En er voraði var þar búskortur og skorti

in (the) neighbourhood owned and had everything in reckless living (was wasteful). But when (it) became spring, (there) was there household-shortage and (there) was-shortage

bæði mjöl og skreið.

both (of) meal (flour) and dried fish.

Hallgerður kom að máli við Þorvald og ræddi: "Eigi munt þú þurfa að sitja

Hallgerð came to discussion with Þorvald and declared: ‘You will not need to wait

til alls því bæði þarf í búið mjöl og skreið."

around completely because both (it) needs in the household meal (flour) and dried-fish.’

Þorvaldur mælti: "Ekki fékk eg nú minna til bús en vant var og entist þá

Þorvald spoke: ’I got not less for the household than was customary and (it) lasted then

allt á sumar fram."

completely forward until Summer.’

Hallgerður mælti: "Ekki fer eg að því þó að þú hafir svelt þig til fjár og

Hallgerð spoke: ’I do not go (it’s not my concern?) nevertheless because you have starved yourself for money and

faðir þinn."

your father.’

Þá reiddist Þorvaldur og laust hana í andlitið svo að blæddi og gekk síðan í

Then Þorvald became angry and struck her in the face and so that (it) bled and went afterwards

braut og kvaddi húskarla sína með sér og hrundu þeir fram skútu og hljópu

away and summoned his house-servants to him and they pushed forward a skiff and leapt

þar á átta karlar og reru út í Bjarneyjar. Tók hann þar skreið sína og mjöl.

thereon eight men and rowed out to Bear Islands, He took there his dried fish and meal (flour).

Nú er að segja frá Hallgerði að hún sat úti og var skapþungt.

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