From: Patricia
Message: 6764
Date: 2006-07-24
----- Original Message -----From: PatriciaSent: Sunday, July 23, 2006 10:18 PMSubject: Chapter 10 (first part) Njal's Saga endlig fertigSaellir Allir (sp)
I regret being so late to join in but - happenstances happened
10. kafli Chapter 10
Höskuldur sagði Hallgerði kaupið.Hoskuld told Hallgerd (about) the contract
Hún mælti: "Nú er eg að raun komin um það er mig hefir lengi grunað að þú
mundir eigi unna mér svo mikið sem þú sagðir jafnan er þér þótti eigi þess
vert að við mig væri um talað þetta mál enda þykir mér ráð þetta eigi svo
mikils háttar sem þér hétuð mér."She said "Now am I certain/sure (Z) of what I have long suspected (gruna-- Z) you remember not love for me as always you have said it seems it was not worth to you that with me to discuss this matter. It seems to me/I think - this is not as great a life as you promised
Og fannst það á í öllu er hún þóttist vargefin.and it was plain (?obvious) she thought herself ill-given (poorly given - bargained in Marriage)
we had a discussion some time ago on the variations of ill given and well given I think this is another - for LN
Höskuldur mælti: "Ekki legg eg svo mikið við ofmetnað þinn að hann standi
fyrir kaupum mínum og skal eg ráða en eigi þú ef okkur skilur á."Hoskuld said" Neither do I lay so much on your arrogance that I let it stand in the way (before) my agreement and I shall decide - not you - if it separates us (if we disagree)
"Mikill er metnaður yðvar frænda," segir hún, "og er það eigi undarlegt að
eg hafi nokkurn" og gekk á braut síðan.Great is the pride of you kinsmen " says she "and is not unsurprising that I have some (also) and went out after that
(like Father like daughter - it seems - bothe arrogand)
Hún fann fóstra sinn Þjóstólf og segir honum hvað ætlað var og var henni
skapþungt.She went to meet her foster-father Thjostolf and to say to him what was (?decided) and she was low in spirits
Þjóstólfur mælti: "Ger þú þér gott í skapi. Þú munt vera gefin í annað sinn
og munt þú þá eftir spurð því að alls staðar mun eg gera að þínu skapi nema
þar er faðir þinn er eða Hrútur."Thjostolf said " "Get you in your good spirits you could be given (in marriage) a second time/ secondchance because in all things I will do that will you be happy except where it touches your father or Hrut
Síðan tala þau ekki um fleiraAfterwards they discussed it no further.
Höskuldur bjó veislu og reið að bjóða mönnum til og kom á Hrútsstaði og
kallar Hrút út til máls við sig. Hann gekk út og gengu þeir á tal og sagðiHoskuld prepared a feast and rode to invite men (guests) and came to Hrut's Stead and called Hrut out to speak with him. He went out and they went into conversation and
Höskuldur honum kaupmála allan og bauð honum til boðs "og vildi eg frændi að
þér þætti eigi verr þótt eg gerði þér eigi orð áður en kaupmálið réðst."said Hoskuld to him (about) the contract, and invites him to the banquet " and I would want, Kinsman that it seemed not worse to you that I did not tell you before the contract was settled
"Betur þætti mér að eg kæmi hvergi í nánd," segir Hrútur, "því að hvorigu
mun í þessu kaupi gifta, honum né henni. En þó mun eg fara til boðs ef þér
þykir sæmd í.""It would seem to me better that I come nowhere in this neighborhood " says Hrut "because there will be no good luck in the contract to him or her but I shall still go to the feast if you honour it (or if there is honour in it ? unsure)
"Það þykir mér víst," sagði Höskuldur og reið heim síðan."that seems so to me certainly" says Hoskuld and after that he rode home
Ósvífur og Þorvaldur buðu og mönnum og var eigi boðið færra en hundraði.Osvif and Thorvald also invited people and the wedding feast was no less than a hundred
Maður er nefndur Svanur. Hann bjó í Bjarnarfirði á bæ þeim er heitir á
Svanshóli. Það er norður frá Steingrímsfirð i. Svanur var fjölkunnigur mjög.There is a man named Svan (swan) he lived at Bear Fjord in the dwellings called Svan's Home. That is North from StoneGrim's Fjord, Svan was very skilled in Magic
Hann var móðurbróðir Hallgerðar. Hann var ódæll og illur viðureignar. Honum
bauð Hallgerður til boðs síns og sendi Þjóstólf eftir honum. Hann fór og
voru vináttumál með þeim þegar.He was Hallgerð's mother's brother (an uncle of the Bride) he was ungentle/ unkind and hard to deal with or (difficult). him invites Hallgerd to her feast and sent Thjostolf for him (after him), he travelled and they were friends at once.
(if I have it right him - accusative Halgerd - nom and her feast is dat (?)
I understood from this last, sentence part that Svan and Thjostolf thus has a mutual regard for each other - well it said in the pluralWhew - I have done my best with this - and hope for some comment - the more I hear of Hrut the more I like him - he has a kind and forgiving nature - and where as he does not fight with this Brother Hoskuld he seems to be - pitying - in his regard for Hallgerð - and then theres all that Dried Fish and Meal - eugh does not Thorvald go a-hunting. This won't last longKveðjaPatriciaI went to PC World and got another printer not a lot more than I gave for the old 'un that was bought three years ago and it's a treat