Re: Fw: [norse_course] Njála 9 further to the question of LN

From: Blanc Voden
Message: 6751
Date: 2006-07-19

Hi there,

"og mun mig eigi tjóa að letja"

or as most natives understand it fully:
"og mun það mig eigi tjóa að letja"

Það tjóar mig eigi: It is of no use to me to .....

Hope this is of some use to you

My Best Blanc.

l(öt):etur but hv(öt)etur.

-- In, "Patricia"
<originalpatricia@...> wrote:
> Right - the way I saw it was thus the Mig was given it's place for
> mun - will - expressing belief or probability
> mig - ME
> eigi - not
> tjoa - avail
> letja - this has "try" in it's meaning - i.e. to try to persuade
> then, bearing in mind the old English legalism - without let or
hindrance I can see a somewhat tenuous relationship of Letja with
láta because there was only one instance where I found tjóa and that
IIRC was (Z)
> Next comes what I found in Faarlund - and I'm still slightly
> láta - let - this is frequently used without the matrix object
(logical subject of the infinitive) as in
> þa lét hann brenna þa báða
> then let he burn them both
> then he had then both burned
> I realise that the relationship of láta is merely tenuous but I
cannot het my head around they connection with the infinitive,
Rnglish is weird enough without trying to define the proper
difference between the "let" that means to hinder and the let that
means to allow
> I cannot sort this at present
> Bless
> Patricia
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Patricia
> To:
> Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2006 4:23 AM
> Subject: Re: [norse_course] Njála 9
> og mun mig eigi tjóa að letja.
> MM & HP "there's no use attempting to dissuade me" (From the
> it seems as if 'mig' ought to belong to the 'letja' clause, in
> of its curious position. I wonder if there's anything in Faarlund's
> Old Norse Syntax about this sort of thing...)
> I have this book and will go look later this morning it will be
interesting,Gods it was stuffy last night no rest and up early -
thank the Gods I live alone - I am so stressed out - not fit company
for man nor beast - is there an O/N Word for it - it is probably -
Ulv something or other
> When I wrote that it would end in tears - my Gramma said that -
whensoever she sought to express disapproval on something - it did
so not end in tears for me - apart from a couple of very obvious
mistakes with words to which I am unaccustomed I am not as
dissatisfied as I had thought I might be
> Thanks a bundle LN for these corrections - in some cases I "tried
to guess - not always good
> Kveðja
> Patricia
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: llama_nom
> To:
> Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2006 12:23 AM
> Subject: [norse_course] Njála 9
> mikil vexti "tall [in stature]", i.e. above average hight,
rather than
> fully grown, I think... MM & HP: "very tall".
> langbrók "long-legged", literally "long trousers". I have a vague
> memory of reading somewhere that women in saga-times wore a kind
> trousers. As an undergarment?
> honum þótti sér óvíða fullkosta.
> MM & HP: "Th. felt there was hardly anyone good enough for him."
> 'fullkosta e-m', indeclinable adjective, "perfectly matched for
> someone, completely acceptable to marry".
> 'óvíða', "not widely, not in many places".
> I think 'fullkosta' is being used in an impersonal way here, as
> neuter, literally: "he thought for-himself [it-to-be] not-widely
> perfectly-matched." Or in more natural English: "he didn't think
> there were many who were perfectly suited for him." I suspect MM
& HP
> are right in reading this as understatement.
> Vilt þú biðja Hallgerðar langbrókar
> Hennar vil eg biðja
> "ask for" in each of these sentences. The person asked would be
> the accusative, the request itself is in the genitive.
> Það mun ykkur eigi mjög hent
> MM & HP: "It would not be very suitable for either of you." (A
> way of expressing the dual in English, and avoiding the
ambiguity of
> "you" on its own.)
> og mun mig eigi tjóa að letja.
> MM & HP "there's no use attempting to dissuade me" (From the
> it seems as if 'mig' ought to belong to the 'letja' clause, in
> of its curious position. I wonder if there's anything in
> Old Norse Syntax about this sort of thing...)
> Síðan rétti Höskuldur fram höndina en Þorvaldur tók í
> Alan wrote, "(Is this literally the shaking of hands on the deal
as I
> took it, or does it refere to Höskuld handing over his daughter
> Þorvald accepting her as Zoega glosses seem to suggest)"
> I assumed it was literal, and MM & HP have "H. offered his hand,
> shook it."
> Patricia wrote, "Well I'm sure this will end in tears , - for me
> maybe I wish I might have done better"
> I don't have any the statistics for this, but I've certainly met
a lot
> of examples in sagas where a father in this position does
consult his
> daughter (not that that doesn't often end in tears too!). Maybe
> Höskuldur is the exception?

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