--- In norse_course@yahoogroups.com, "AThompson" <athompso@...> wrote:
> Here´s my translation. Comments on underlined text would be greatly
> appreciated or any other parts where I have gone astray. I hope my
> translation is of use to others.
> Kveðja
> Alan
>Hi there Alan
mikil vexti og því var hún langbrók kölluð.
"Mikill vexti" is large in size she was probably tall, because brók=trousers refers to the person, not necessarily the legs in question I reckon. SkítaBrók or AulaBróka are lousy people.
> Síðan rétti Höskuldur fram höndina en Þorvaldur tók í og fastnaði sér
Höskuldur begings by streching out/offering his hands and as Þorvaldur agrees and he grasps his hand. Like signing contract today handshaking was enough then as by my grandparent generation. Handsal: Sale/Contract by handshaking. Now she is tight/firm /fast bound or to betroth Þorvald. Þorvald bound her by handshaking.
Við tökumst í hendur eða við tökum í hendurnar á hvor öðrum.
You shake or grasp?
Hope you got the point.
Thanks Uoden