I had an error message that this had not been sent forward to the recipient so here it is again encase it was not received
Norton is slow in checking
----- Original Message -----
From: Patricia
To: norse_course@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2006 6:24 PM
Subject: Njal chapter 9 - Patricia's Effort

This is not as good as it might be - concentration disturbed  it's hot and humid  and Lord !! I have a headache thumping - the translation has been well welcomed - take one's mind off it - don't let that stop the critique coming over.
9. Kafli
Nú er þar til máls að taka að Hallgerður vex upp, dóttir Höskulds, og er
kvenna fríðust sýnum og mikil vexti og því var hún langbrók kölluð. Hún var
fagurhár og svo mikið hárið að hún mátti hylja sig með. Hún var örlynd og
Now it is there the story takes/turns to Hallgerd (who) grew up / had grown, Hoskuld's daughter and she is of women the most beautiful (synum - by far ??) and very tall and for this she was called longlegs.
Her hair was lovely (fair - as in beautiful) and so full it was that she could wrap herself / or hide in it.
(there was a choice - I prefer - wrap herself in it)
she was generous minded (Z) and severe (Z-my choice) of temper

Þjóstólfur hét fóstri hennar. Hann var suðureyskur að ætt. Hann var styrkur
maður og vígur vel og hafði margan mann drepið og bætti engan mann fé. Það
var mælt að hann væri engi skapbætir Hallgerði.
Thjostolf was her foster-father he was Hebridean of descent, he was  strong and well skilled in arms (Z) he had killed many and given no were-gild (CV) (the word - baetti - was in CV relating to weregild
It was said that in no way did he improve Hallgerð's character/disposition

Maður er nefndur Þorvaldur. Hann var Ósvífursson. Hann bjó út á
Meðalfellsströ nd undir Felli.
There was a man by the name of Thorvald. He was Osvif's son. He lived out at Meðafels Strand under the Fells.
Hann var vel auðigur að fé. Hann átti eyjar
þær er heita Bjarneyjar. Þær liggja út á Breiðafirði. Þaðan hafði hann
skreið og mjöl. Þorvaldur var vel styrkur maður og kurteis, nokkuð bráður í
He was well off for money, he owned the  islands known as Bear Island. They lie out at Breiðafjord.
Ther he had dried fish and meal. Thorvald was  very strong and well-mannered (courteous) but short of temper

Það var einu hverju sinni að þeir feðgar ræddu með sér hvar Þorvaldur mundi
á leita um kvonfang. En það fannst á að honum þótti sér óvíða fullkosta.
It was at such a time when Thorvald and his father discussed where Thorvald might get a wife.
But it was seen that he was difficult to match (i.e.not much choice)

Þá mælti Ósvífur: "Vilt þú biðja Hallgerðar langbrókar, dóttur Höskulds?"
Then says Osvif "do you want to ask Hallgerð Long-Leg  Hoskuld's daughter

"Hennar vil eg biðja," segir hann.
"I want to ask for her" says he

"Það mun ykkur eigi mjög hent," sagði Ósvífur, "hún er kona skapstór en þú
ert harðlyndur og óvæginn."
"There may be between you that you are not suited  said Osvif "she is short tempered and you are stubborn and unyeilding"

"Þar vil eg þó á leita," segir hann, "og mun mig eigi tjóa að letja."
"there will I nevertheless try" says he " and do not try to stop me.

"Þú átt og mest í hættu," segir Ósvífur.
You are risking most  says Osvif ( to you is greatest risk))

Síðan fóru þeir bónorðsför og komu á Höskuldsstaði og höfðu þar góðar
viðtökur. Þeir ræddu þegar erindi sín fyrir Höskuldi og vöktu bónorðið
Afterwards they set on a wooing expedition (Alan's words - bargain hunting  - like it)
and came to Hoskuld's place and there had (both) a good reception. They made their errand known to Hoskuld and discussed a marriage proposal.

Höskuldur svaraði: "Kunnigt er mér um hag ykkarn en eg vil enga vél að ykkur
draga að dóttir mín er hörð í skapi. En um yfirlit hennar og kurteisi megið
þið sjálfir sjá."
Hoskuld replied "I know of your affairs (i.e. that you are wealthy) but I want not to deceive you my daughter is sharp tempered but for her looks and breeding  you can both see for yourselves
(did they look at her teeth)

Þorvaldur svaraði: "Ger þú kostinn því að eg mun skaplyndi hennar eigi láta
fyrir kaupi standa."
Thorvald replied " you make the conditions - her temper will not  prevent the bargain
(so Ding went the Till)   (no Amex)

Síðan tala þeir um kaupið og spurði Höskuldur dóttur sína eigi eftir því að
honum var hugur á að gifta hana og urðu þeir á sáttir á allan kaupmála.
Síðan rétti Höskuldur fram höndina en Þorvaldur tók í og fastnaði sér
Hallgerði og reið heim við svo búið.
Afterwards they talked over the bargain - Hoskuld did not ask his daughter because he wanted her married and they agreed all terms.
After this Hoskuld stretched forth his hand and thorvald took it and (thus) was he betrothed to Hallgerð, and they rode home with it settled
Well I'm sure this will end in tears ,  - for me maybe I wish I might have done better