From: Patricia
Message: 6717
Date: 2006-07-15
Saell Alan
The word used in the Old Norse version was not found in any of my dictionaries , so I used the version that had been employed in the Five Volume set of the Sagas of the Icelanders - and that seemed well enough to me -
Finna það til foráttu að þú hafir eigi sorðið hana." there is no word in any of the dictionaries that I use that seems to resemble the one "sorðið" used , how else can I determine what it means but by referring to an established translation - which I used - seeing it as accurate enough
-------Original Message-------
From: AThompson
Date: 07/15/06 01:05:41
Subject: RE: [norse_course] Re: Fw: Njal Chapter 8 Second part Patricia's effort+ this re- sent I have not seen it come through was it received
Hi Patricia
This is a foolish lad speaking and accordingly it is the lad´s language that is coarse and gratuitous, not the authors. The author, in deliberately depicting the mocking language of the lad, is hardly going to put polite speech into his mouth. The translator should surely do the same. The lads coarseness surely contributes to Höskulds reaction of striking him.
Kveðja Alan
-----Original Message-----
<< for not having sex with her ( this was so translated at all - finding four-letter words in a book for which I had to save, if they were included in that way - I am afraid I might find them a trifle gratuitous i.e. - unnecessary.
----- Original Message ----- From: Blanc Voden Sent: Friday, July 14, 2006 7:27 PM Subject: [norse_course] Re: Fw: Njal Chapter 8 Second part Patricia's effort+ this re- sent I have not seen it come through was it received
>got lost > Patriciaþér af konunni og > finna það til foráttu að þú hafir eigi sorðiðhana." >and find a forfeit for not having sex with her ( this was so translated in the Sagas of the Icelanders and I suppose it to be correct) Hi there Patricia, "Les versions romantiques" or "Les contradictions" Serða (rimes with herða) : Macho-like she is "sorðin" object direct: Such sort! Vulgar, "Offensively Gaudy",Coarse, ...... Meaning in dictionary : Hafa samfarir við (um fólk). "Hafa samfarir við": is native example of euphemism. Finna e-m e-ð til Foráttu [heavy surf; blame]: blame one for something. Thanks Uoden Take nothing for granted: Parental translations or partial are increasing. Screw or shag her good. -- -- | |||