Saell Alan
I want to try - with the first underlined bit
þau misseri  first para. taken from CV
Misseri - also spelt missari n., usually in plural [from a compound word, the former part of which is miss. denoting the alternation, change of the seasons, that would IMO necessitate it's being in pl,  
 I think in one of the other dictionaries it was denoted - half year / two seasons which comes to the same thing - they were okay for about half the year then spring comes along and they're back to square one
Where you have said - men made this to be novel tidings
That's what I saw, because  if you see  made + dative then it is seen to be
men made of this - to be novel tidings  - this seems to imply that divorces were not as common as they may be now but people  like to make something OF nothing and they made OF this to be great news.
Hrut and his wife are getting a divorce - well what do you make of that.
níu tigu hundraða fjár. (how much is that?)
The estimate of the Brides Portion is originally sixty hundreds - an earlier chapter, so in claiming a 50% increase - methinks Morð doth protest  too much - and  is "trying it on - the rascal"
How much is that - well I should say in anyone's currency - simply a hell of a lot
CV and I have done our best with the questions Alan - I was wishful to help out with my opinions because of the help you have been with the Saga of Hrafnkel - Frey's Goði etc etc.......
----- Original Message -----
From: AThompson
Sent: Wednesday, July 12, 2006 12:50 PM
Subject: RE: [norse_course] Njal end of chapter 7 and beginning of chapter 8 / Alan's Translation

Here’s my translation. Lots of help needed here. I can´t make sense of legal proceedings when they are in Modern English, let alone on Old Norse J. Apart from this I hope my translation is of some help to others.



-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Fred and Grace Hatton
Tuesday, 11 July 2006 8:18 PM
Subject: [norse_course] Njal end of chapter 7 and beginning of chapter 8

Nú ríður hún heim af þingi og var Hrútur heim kominn og fagnaði henni vel.

Now she rides home from (the) Thing and Hrút was (had) come home and greeted her well.

Hún tók vel máli hans og var við hann blíð og eftirmál. Þeirra samfarar voru

She accepts his speech well and was gentle and compliant towards him. Their marital relationship was

góðar þau misseri. (note: plural) En er voraði tók hún sótt og lagðist í rekkju. Hrútur fór

good for the rest of the year. But when (it) became-Spring, she took ill and lay-herself in bed. Hrút journeyed

í fjörðu vestu
r og bað henni virkta áður.

into (The) Fjords west and requested special-care of her before (he left).

Nú er kemur að þingi bjó hún ferð sína í braut og fór með öllu svo sem fyrir

Now when (it) comes to Thing(-time), she prepares her journey away and and journeyed with everyone, such as was

var sagt og ríður á þing síðan. Héraðsmenn leituðu hennar og fundu hana

mentioned before, and rides to (the) Thing afterwards. District men looked-for her and found her



Mörður tók við dóttur sinni vel og spurði hana hversu hún hefði með farið

Mörð received his daughter well and asked her how she had gone with (followed)

ráðagerð hans.

his plan.

"Hvergi hefi eg af brugðið," sagði hún.

’I have deviated from (it) not at all,’ she said.

Hann gekk til Lögbergs og sagði skilið lagaskilnaði með þeim að Lögbergi.

He went to (the) Law-Rock and declared the separation legally divorced between them at (the) Law-Rock.

Þetta gerðu menn að nýjum tíðindum.

Men made this to (be) novel tidings.

Unnur fór heim með föður sínum og kom aldrei vestur þar síðan.

Unn journeyed home with her father and came never west thereafter.

8. kafli

Chapter 8

Hrútur kom heim og brá mjög í brún er kona hans var í brautu og er þó vel

Hrút came home and raised greatly in brow (was amazed) when his wife was away (missing) and is nevertheless very

stilltur og var heima öll þau misseri og réðst við engan mann um sitt mál.

calm and was (stayed) at home the whole year round and consulted with no man about his situation.

Annað sumar eftir reið hann til alþingis og Höskuldur bróðir hans með honum

The following summer he rode to (the) Althing and Höskuld his brother with him

og fjölmenntu mjög. En er hann kom á þing þá spurði hann hvort Mörður gígja

and with very many people. But when he came to (the) Thing then he asked whether Mörð ‘Fiddle’

væri á þingi. Honum var sagt að hann var þar og ætluðu allir að þeir mundu

were at (the) Thing. It was said to him that he was there and all expected that they would

tala um mál sín en það varð eigi.

talk about their case but that did not happen.

Einnhvern dag er menn gengu til Lögbergs nefndi Mörður sér votta og lýsti

One day when men went to (the) Law-Rock, Mörð called to himself witnesses and gave-notice-of

fésök á hendur Hrúti um fémál dóttur sinnar og taldi níu tigu hundraða fjár. (how much is that?)

a suit for money against Hrút concerning his daughter’s dowry and reckoned (it) at ninety hundred of property.

Lýsti hann til gjalda og til útgreiðslu og lét varða þriggja marka útlegð.

He called for compensation and for discharge (?) and caused to guarantee (demanded) a three marks fine

Hann lýsti í fjórðungsdóm þann er sökin átti í að koma að lögum. Lýsti hann

He proclaimed that in (the) Quarter court where the case must come in (be heard) according to law. He proclaimed

löglýsing og í heyranda hljóði að Lögbergi.

(the) legal declaration and in audible hearing at (the) Law-Rock.

En er hann hafði þetta mælt svaraði Hrútur: "Meir sækir þú þetta mál með

But when he had spoken this, Hrút answered. ‘You pursue this case more out of

fjárágirnd og kappi er heyrir til dóttur þinnar heldur en með góðvild eða

financial-greed and a zeal which belongs to your daughter rather than out of good-will or

drengskap enda mun eg hér láta nokkuð í mót koma því að þú hefir enn eigi

high-mindedness, and indeed I will here cause something to come in opposition to that, (so) that you do not have still

féið í hendi þér það er eg fer með. Mæli eg svo fyrir að þeir séu allir

the property in your hands, that which I go with (handle/own?). I speak forth (propose) thus that they be all

heyrandi vottar er hjá eru að Lögbergi að eg skora þér á hólm. Skal við

hearing witnesses who are close by to (the) Law-Rock and I challenge you on an islet (ie to a duel).

liggja mundurinn allur og þar legg eg í mót annað fé jafnmikið og eigi sá

All the ‘bride’s-price’ shall lie at stake (?) and there I place against (it) a second equally valuable wealth (stake) and that one (he) owns

hvorttveggja féið er af öðrum ber. En ef þú vilt eigi berjast við mig þá

both of the two wealths (stakes) who bears off (overcomes) the-other (man). But if you do not want to fight with me then

skalt þú af allri fjárheimtunni. "

You shall (be) off (ie (forfeit) all the-right-to-claim-property

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