> er hann var til þess búinn. (ready for what? To go?)
> he was ready for for that

That's how I took it.

> Hún svarar: "Gott má eg frá honum segja það allt er honum er sjálfrátt."

> She answers. 'Good I may say about him all that which to him is
self-counselled.' (ie when he makes his own decisions? Is this an
allusion to the spell that he is under?)

Magnús Magnússon and Hermann Pálsson: "I have nothing but good to say
of him," replied Unn, "in so far as he is responsible for his own

Or maybe it could also be paraphrased: "regarding everything that he
has conscious control over". We met this idiom before in Illuga saga
Gríðarfóstra. 'sjálfrátt' is the neuter singular of 'sjálfráðr'.
What exactly this cryptic statement is referring to will become
apparent in the next installment.