Yeah THX, I already got it - I tried to contact the mail-list, but as I
see now, I got a bounce.

Actually I am using a translation as aid, but I missed the line in the
translation, therefor I got confused since my translation was completely
different from the professional translation. It actually took me one
hour to recognize, that I tried to synchronize to different text-passages.

Sometimes one just can´t see beyond the edge ;)

THX 4 ur help anyway


llama_nom schrieb:
> Hello Nefandus,
> You wrote 'sannsókinni' instead of 'rannsókinni' "the house-search",
> which I guess was just a typo, but I just thought I'd better mention
> it in case it was adding to the confusion. There's a 19th century
> translation of this saga online which you mighht find useful (by
> William Morris and Eiríkur Magnússon), although it's told in a
> pseudo-archaic style that isn't always easy to follow.
> <>
> <>
> They translate this sentence as: "Then shall we take that for sooth,
> that thou wilt be found proven guilty, if thou wilt not have the
> matter thrust off thee by the ransacking."
> A more natural modern English translation might be something like:
> "Then we're going to be convinced that you're guilty of the charge,
> since you aren't willing to clear your name by agreeing to have your
> house searched."
> You can find both of the idioms involving the adjective 'sannr'
> (neuter 'satt') in the entry in Zoega's dictionary [
> <> ], and that of Cleasby
> and Vigfússon [
> <> ].
> Good luck with the rest of your translation!
> Llama Nom
> --- In
> <>, Nefandus <nefandus@...> wrote:
> >
> > Hello everybody!
> >
> > I´m for now translating parts of the Eyrbyggja saga, but unfortunately
> > there´s a sentence, which is really confusing me. Probably it´s easy,
> > but after staring at it for a while, I can´t think anymore :-)
> >
> > So here´s the source:
> >
> > "Þá munu vér þat fyrir satt hafa, at þú sér sannr at
> sökinni, er þú vill
> > þik eigi láta undan bera með sannsókninni."
> >
> > THX 4 everybody trying to help me
> >
> > Greetz

"Why? Why am I punished? I`ve led an innocent life ..."

"Thou art a child of nature.
Thou shalt know that it art a crime to murder thy mother.
Yet, I hear her skriek in horror ... "