We match "Brúð" [Bride] and "Hlaup"[course,run,race ] that
gives "Brúðlaup".
Icelandic Natural long vovel "Au" as in "Laug" [I lied: Ég laug] is
easy to confuse with the german "Au".
Icelandic "Au" phonetically is earnestly better spelled "Öí".
"I löbet af de sidste 10 dager". Löíb or Hlöíb.
German "Au" we spelled "Á":
"Náttúrulega lánga a-hljóð íslendskunnar/íslenzkunnar."
The naturally long a-sound of Icelandic.
"Á or "aú"
Thanks Uoden.
Há you spell How as it rimes perfectly.
Lög í Löíg/Laug. Liquid in pool. TransParent!