Þá buggust þeir bræður og Össur með þeim að ríða austur til brúðlaups
og riðu við sex tigu manna
Then prepared (Themselves) those brothers and Ossur with them to ride east to Hrut's Bridal Feast, and they rode with sixy men
Notwithstanding the betrothal and "bride price" had been agreed 3 years earlier - it was at this feast that the Marriage Contract would be read out and Unn's Father would hand over the money and read forth thr Contract Terms as agreed, to obviate any suggestion that Unn was being sold.
Þeir riðu þar til er þeir koma austur á
Rangárvöllu. Þar var fjöldi
They ride until they come East to "Twisted River Flats". There was a multitude of Wedding Guests (already arrived presumably)
Skipuðust menn þar í sæti en
konur skipuðu pall og var brúðurin heldur
The men occupied seats ( down the length of the Hall) and the women occupied the Pall -( a slightly raised platform situated at the "top" of , and across the hall) The Bride looked sad ( I prefer woe-begone - here)
Some one may have spoken to her about Hrut's extra curricular activities
Drekka þeir veisluna og fer
hún vel fram. Mörður greiddi út heimanfylgju
dóttur sinnar og reið hún
vestur með Hrúti. Þau riðu þar til er þau komu
The drinking and feasting got started and it went on well. Morð paid out the dowry of his daughter and she rode off west with Hrut. They rode on until they reached home
Hrútur fékk henni öll
ráð í hendur fyrir innan stokk og líkaði það öllum
vel. En fátt var um með
þeim Hrúti um samfarar og fer svo fram allt til
Hrut made over to her hands all authority (in the home) and Everyone liked that well. But there was little between them of (intimacy/pleasantness) in their journey (through life) together and so it was (continued) till Spring
Og þá er voraði átti Hrútur för í Vestfjörðu að heimta fyrir varning
En áður hann færi heiman talaði Unnur við hann: "Hvort ætlar þú aftur
koma áður menn ríða til þings?
When it was spring Hrut had to travel to the West
Fjords to claim payment for his goods/cargo. But before he was to leave
from home Unn spoke with him "Do you intend to come home before men ride to the
"Hvað er að því?" segir Hrútur.
"What does this mean" says Hrut (like what's all this in
aid of)
"Eg vil ríða til þings," segir hún, "og finna föður
"I want to ride to the thing" says she "and meet my
"Svo skal þá vera," sagði hann, "og mun eg ríða til þings
með þér."
"So shall it be" said he "and I will ride with
Vel er það og," segir hún.
"And that is well" says she
Síðan fór hann
heiman og vestur í fjörðu og byggði allt féið og fór þegar
Then he rode from home to the West Fjords and collected all his money and rode from the West (Back home)
Og er hann kom heim bjó hann sig þegar til þings og lét ríða með sér
nábúa sína. Höskuldur reið og, bróðir hans.
And when he came home he made ready at once to go to the
Thing and got all his neighbours and Hoskild also, his
Hrútur mælti við konu sína: "Ef þér er jafnmikill hugur á
að fara til þings
sem þú lést þá bú þú þig og ríð til þings með mér.
Hrut spoke with his wife "If it is (so) important
(to you) to go to the thing as you say (it is) then make yourself ready
and ride to the Thing with me
Hún bjó sig skjótt og síðan ríða þau
uns þau koma til þings.
She prepares/ makes herself soon ready and they
then ride to they come to the Thing
Unnur gekk til búðar föður
síns. Hann fagnaði henni vel en henni var
skapþungt nokkuð.
Unn went to her Fathers booth, He welcomed her well but
she was somewhat low in spirits
Og er hann fann það mælti
hann til hennar: "Séð hefi eg þig með betra bragði
eða hvað býr þér í
And when he noticed this he spoke to her "I have seen you
looking happier (in better spirits) what is on your mind"
Hún tók
að gráta og svaraði engu.
She took to weeping but said nothing
mælti hann við hana: "Til hvers reiðst þú til alþingis ef þú vilt eigi
mér eða segja mér trúnað þinn eða þykir þér eigi gott vestur þar?"
Then spoke he to her "Why ride (all the way) to the thing
if you will not answer me and tell me in trust (confide in me) Do you not find
it good there in the West
Hún svaraði: "Gefa mundi eg til alla
eigu mína að eg hefði þar aldrei
She replied " I would give everything I own to never have
gone there"
Mörður mælti: "Þessa má eg skjótt vís verða."
Morð spoke "this shall soon come to pass " (be found - he will get to the cause)